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ACC CASES SINCE 2018 - 16th August, 2022

Investigations / Case Statistics

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1. ANTI - CORRUPTION COMMISSION INTEGRITY HOUSE, TOWER HILL FREETOWN, WEST AFRICA CASES INVESTIGATED BY THE ACC SINCE 2018 PAST ADMINISTRATION NO PERSON(S) INVESTIGATED ISSUE(S) INVESTIGATED START/END DATES OUTCOMES/STATUS 1. Former Commissioner General of the National Revenue Authority (NRA), Haja Kallah Kamara, and the former Director of Finance (NRA), Abdulai Conteh Off - budget payments Investigations commences on 6/08/18.Payment is ongoing. Recovery of Five (5) Billion Leones 2. Joseph Sedu Mans, former Director - General, National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT), and Ms. Yeabu M.D. Kamara, former Chairperson of the Board of Trustees NASSIT Misappropriation of Six Billion, Five Hundred and Ten Million, Two Hundred and Ninety Thousand Leo nes (Le: 6,510,290,000), funds meant for the SISIMI NASSIT Medical Project. Investigation commences in 2018. Charged to court on 19/12/18.Cases concluded in Court on Indictment – case concluded in court. A1(Joseph Sedu Mans) died during the trial. A2 was c onvicted on 5/8/21 3. Abdul Barrie, former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Works, Housing and Infrastructure (MWHI) Contracts for the refurbishment of various Government properties which he awarded to Ribar Enterprise, a business he jointly owns with h is wife without disclosing his interest. Investigation commences in 2018. Charged to court on 11/2/19. Convicted on 24/4/19 Indicted and Convicted. House recovered in Koidu City, Kono 4. Kadijatu Olamatu Seisay, former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Works, Housing and Infrastructure (MWHI) Misappropriation of a Toyota Land Cruiser Jeep GX1200 series (Off Road 2017) model with registration number ANK 889, which was in her possession, but which she claimed was stolen following a trip to Guinea. Investi gation commences in 2018. Charged to court 13/12/18. Convicted on the 13/08/20. Indicted and Convicted; The vehicle was recovered and handed over to the Ministry of Transport and Aviation. Accused was indicted and convicted 5 Former Deputy Director - Genera l of the National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT), Mr. Amara Kuyateh, and the Resident Engineer NASSIT, Mr. Franklyn Gerald O. Coker, Funds meant for the NASSIT Sisimi Project Investigation commences on 03/07/18. Le 1 , 500,000,000 (old notes) Recovery process is ongoing. 6 Alie Badara Mansaray, former Commissioner of the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA), and Mr. Richard Turay, former Finance Director Misappropriation of Ninety - Five Thousand, Seven Hundred and Ninety - Seven US Doll ars (US $ 95,797.00), and Eighty - Four Million, Seven Hundred and Seventy - Five Thousand, One Hundred and Thirty One Leones (Le84,775,131.00),being Provident Fund, the sources of which are deductions from NaCSA staff salaries. Investigation commences in 2 019. Charged to courton 03/05/19 Trial concluded on 08/04/2020 First Accused was acquitted and discharged and second Accused did not take his plea and was not tried because he was out of the jurisdiction. 7 Mohamed Sheriff, former Managing Director, Si erra Leone Cable Network (SALCAB); Paul Sandi, former Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information and Communication; and Idrissa Yillah, former Chairman, SALCAB Misappropriation of public funds amounting to $300,000 (Three Hundred Thousand United States D ollars). . Investigation commences in 2018. All three Accused persons were indicted on 21/5/19. Trial concluded on Mohamed Sheriff and Paul Sandi were indicted on 21/5/19. Paul Sandi was convicted and fined on 8/4/2020 ; Idrissa Yillah acquitted and discharged 8 Ambassador Osman Foday Yansaneh, Sierra Leone’s former High Commissioner to Ghana Abandonment of duty station, whilst he was still designated as Ambassador and High Commissioner, and was mostly in Sierra Leone, but continued receiving salar y and other emoluments. Investigation commences in 2018 and concluded in 2019. No evidence adduced to proffer indictment. However, the ACC advised the MFAIC to put policies in place to forestall such occurrences. 9 Former Managing Director of Home Finan ce Company (HFC), Ahmed Kamara Using the HFC to pay a 5% withholding tax on a property he personally sold to the National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT) Investigation commences in 2017 and concluded in 2019. Paid back Two Hundred and Sixty - N ine Million Leones (Le 269,000,000.00). 10 Former President Ernest Bai Koroma Various acts of corruption whilst in office from 2007 to 2018 Investigation commences in 2018. Investigation concluded. Currently with Prosecutions Dept. for legal opinion

5. Aviation Authority knowing very well that they were not. 25 “Office of the First Lady” - Excellency Mrs. Fatima Jabbie Bio Full and comprehensive probe into the Office of the First Lady, past and present, dealing with matters of budgetary justifications for allocations and expenditures of State funds to that entity and the legal and regulatory framework, if any, for them. Preliminary findings show that the entity known as “Office of First Lady” had been receiving Billions of Leones of State funds yearly, spanning 14 years to date. Investigation commences in 2020 and concluded in 2020. Investigation concluded. . No evidence to substantiate allegation. 26. Paul SobbaMassaquoi, former Executive Director of SLMA Failure to follow applicable laws and procedure in the award of a contract in the sum of 3 billion leones. Investigation commences in 2020. Indicted and charged to court on the 31/5/21 Acquitted and discharged on 21/12/2022 27. Matthew Wilson Samura – Kamara, former Minister of Foreign A ffairs, SaiduNallo, former Head of Chancery , Foday Vah FombaBawoh former financial Attaché, Dr. Kandeh Foday Basil Kamara, former Financial Attaché, Adekalie Foday Suma former head of Chancery and Jules Sanders Davis , contractor. Misappropriation of Publ ic/ Donor Funds to the tune of $2 million. Investigation commences in 2020. They were i ndicted and charged to court on the 13/12/21 Defense witness(DW1 Saidu Nallo ) testifying 28. Mayor Yvonne Aki - Sawyerr and Manja Isata Kargbo of the Mayor’s Delivery Unit at the Freetown City Council. Misappropriation of Public Funds to the tune of Le187, 904, 383.0 and Abuse of Office and Position. . I nvestigations commence in 2021 and concluded in 2022. Investigations concluded, a mount fully recovered 29. Sulaiman Musa Phoray of the Donor Coordinating Office, Ministry of Health. Misappropriation of Public Funds to the tune of Le 1.2 billion old leones. . Investigation commences in 2022 and completed in 2023. The sum of Le 71,600,000.00 (old leones ) recovered fully. . 30. 10 MIS Officers at the SLRSA. Misappropriated public funds by creating a parallel system to produce drivers’ licenses. Amount involved is yet to be quantified. Investigation commences in 2022 and completed in 2022. Investigation Completed . The ACC r ecommended administrative action to be taken by SLRSA against some staff.. 31. Ministry of Youth Affairs. Mr. Muana was the project lead for the Car Wash Project. It was alleged that monies to the tune of about 40 Billion leones was misappropriated. Investigation commences in September 2022 and completed in February 2023. There was no evidence of Misappropriation of the said funds.

4. Minister and Charles Tom Kamanda, Permanent Secretary, MBSSE of Justice to grant the ACC to have trial by Judge Alone. 15. Management of Sierra Leone Police Referral by the Independent Police Complaints Board (IPCB) based on a report by the Proprietor of Door to Door Enterprise (DDE) to them, on alleged procurement fraud by the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) management. Investigation commences in 2020 and completed in 2020. The re was no evidence of impropriety in the procurement process. 16. Salihu Sheku Nyallay, Accountant in the Accounts Department of the High Court of Sierra Leone Misappropriation of Public Funds. (Court fines collected were misappropriated) Investigations commence in 2020 and concluded in 2021. Nyallay the senior Accountant in the Accounts section was Ind icted on the 4/4/21, and trial held in absentia. He came back into the country and was convicted on 25/5/21. 17. Abdul Razzak Kabba, Senior Information Technology Officer at the Pharmacy Board o f Sierra Leone Contracted a business entity he wholly owned for several procurement related activities, including, the procurement of electronic items, the networking of the Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone Head Office in Freetown, the procurement of two (2) Designing Software for the Registration and Information Departments, the Repairs of existing Electronics equipment in Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone Bo Office; and the replacement of faulty Router attached to the Office of the Registrar of Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone in Freetown. Investigation commences in 2019. Indicted and charged to court on the 14/4/2020 Convicted on 23/4/2020 after plea ding guilty. 18. Director General and Deputy Director General of Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) Misappropriation of public funds . It was alleged that monies for token sold are not reflecting at the various point of sales. . Investigation commences in January 2021 and completed in May 2021. Investigation Concluded. Monies recovered 20. NaCOVERC 47 laptops procured by NaCOVERC for its operations and a Generator donated by the Chinese Embassy in Freetown were allegedly missing. Investigation commences in 2021 and concluded in 2021. All 47 laptops recovered and the services of staff connected with the procurement of the laptops were terminated including a Military General; Generator located in Zimmi . 21. National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) Anomalies and allegations of corruption in the payment of Social Safety Net (SS N) support to vulnerable persons during COVID 19 lockdown in the Bombali Community, Bombali District by the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA). Investigation commences in May 2020 and completed in May 2020. No evidence to substantiate the allegations. 22. Dr. Peter Belmoh Samai , a Medical Doctor employed by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and attached to the Bo Government Hospital Misappropriation of Public Property contrary to Section 36(1); Unlawful Disposal of Public Property Inv estigation commences in 2019. He was i ndicted and charged to court on the 13/1/2020 Matter in process at the Bo High court. 23. Bockarie Sheku Mattia, Supervisor on Contract with Statistics Sierra Leone’s Bo office While on a verification exercise for the World Bank supported Social Safety Net (SSN) program, meant to alleviate poverty from the poorest of Sierra Leoneans, solicited the sum of One Hundred Thousand Leones (Le100,000) from a potential beneficiary of the scheme. Investigation commences in 20 19. Indicted and charged to court on the 13/1/2020 He was convicted on the 25/2/2021 24. Julian Clarke, Human Resource Manager, Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority (SLCAA),and of 8 John Lane, Off Campbell Street, Freetown; and SallieuKargbo , Senior Finance Officer SLCAA Conspired and deceived the Government of Sierra Leone by authoring and signing a bundle of documents containing false information which were forwarded to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Turkish Em bassy, for the purposes of facilitating the issuance of Turkish Visas to certain individuals who were purported to be staff of the Sierra Leone Civil Investigation commences in 2020 and he was i ndict ed and charged to court on the 2/2/2021 Matter awaiting judgment

3. grades for the Dissertation module, when, in fact, the said student did not submit any dissertation for grading. the 24/7/18 6. SahrKemokai, former Head of Procurement at the Sierra Leone Maritime Administration (SLMA) He was with Abuse of office when he improperly conferred an advantage on Ishmael Kamara, the Manager of Sheruk Enterprises; Alusine Kamara, co - partner of Hogo Cajeh Investment, and David Beahb oye of TTN Global Limited to wit: awarded the said Sheruk Enterprises a contract for the supply of office equipment, the said HogoCajeh Investment a contract for the supply of furniture and fittings, and the said TTN Global Limited a contract for the suppl y of 2 HF Base Radio without advertising in an open bidding process for the supply of goods. Investigation commences in 2018 and concluded in March 2019. He was i ndicted and charged to court on the 13/5/22 Court p roceeding s ongoing . 7. Stephen Yayah Mansaray, Master and Registrar of the High Court of Sierra Leone, Adele Faya, Former Account Clerk OF THE Judiciary OF Sierra Leone , Isatu Ulaikatu Kiamp Kamara, Revenue Officer of the National Revenue Authority (NRA) and Abubakarr Bangura, Revenue Officer - NRA Misappropriation of Sixty Million Leones (Le 60,000,000.00) being revenue due the NRA as fines paid by Mr. Emmanuel Ekundayo Constant Shears - Moses. Investigation commences in 2018 and concluded in 2019. He was indicted and charged to court on the 4/4/ 19 Adele Faya, Isatu Ulaikatu Kiamp Kamara and Abubakarr Bangura convicted were convicted on 12/11/19 ; Stephen Yayah Mansaray was acquitted and discharged 8. Stephen Yayah Mansaray, Master and Registrar of the High Court of Sierra Leone, Adele Faya, Former Account Clerk OF THE Judiciary OF Sierra Leone , Richie Edwin Asgil, former Principal Accountant in the Judiciary and Clarence Solomon Will - Legal Assistant at a Law Firm in Freetown Misappropriation of Public Fund s to the tune of Le460,268,200 and Conspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence Indicted on the 23/9/19; Richie Edwin Asgil died during the proceedings Matter is at the tail end of finishing in court in - respect of the other accused. 9. Chief Minister, Professor David John Francis Fol lowing allegations made by SallieuTejan - Jalloh, Managing Editor of The Times Sierra Leone Newspaper, that a total of US$1.5M was paid into the Chief Minister’s Eco bank account as bribes No evidence to substantiate the allegation. 10. Coordinator of Nati onal Cleaning Exercise, Hamid Emoneh In respect of misapplied funds meant for the National Cleaning Exercise. The investigation commences in 2019 and completed in 2019. The misapplied amount of 40,000,000.00 Million (old) Leones was recovered and returned to 11. Alfred Kallon; Human Resource Officer at the Office of the Administrator and Registrar - General and Sulaiman Issa Turay; Head of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Improperly make requests for, facilitate and ensure access to the Republic of Sierra Leone Service Passport by, and for the use of, persons who are not entitled to be holders of Service Passports in order to illegally facilitate their travel overseas as Public Servants. Investigation commences on Indicted on 6/7/19 Alfred Kallon was convicted 4/4 /20 and fined 150 Million Leones; Ambassador Alieu Ibrahim Kanu and Sulaiman Issa Turay were acquitted and discharged 12. Mohamed Sheku Turay, former banker RCB, Ola Barnes post - paid Accountant EDSA, Alimamy Sesay, Reconciliation Officer EDSA, Musa Lahai, Revenue Officer EDSA, Noah Winneba, Meter Reader EDSA, Misappropriation of Public Funds to the tune of Le 5.8 billion. EDSA Customers cheques converted and paid to individual accounts. Indicted on 15/ 6/2021 . The first accused was convicted along other accused persons. Other accused are still standing trial in this matter. The first accused failed to pay the rest itution of Le3.9 billion ( old L eones ) and he is on the run . Civil proceedings filed in - respe ct of the first accused. 13. State Chief of Protocol, Fatmata Edna Kargbo Mrs. Fatmata Edna Kargbo was seen giving testimony at the Church of Prophet T. B. Joshua, the Synagogue Church of All Nations, in Nigeria, where she did a PowerPoint presentation on a house she completed constructing following her appointment as State Chief of Protocol and Ambassador - at - Large. Investigation commences in 2019 and completed in 2020 Investigation showed that the house was legally acquired . 14. Alpha Timbo, former Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education and Kadiatu Gogra, Deputy Misappropriation of public property; viz; Chinese rice Indicted and charged to court on 31/3/2022 ; The matter was later withdrawn on the refusal by the A ttorney G eneral & Minister

2. 11 Former Head of the Hajj Committee, Minkailu Mansaray.Former VP, H.E Victor Bockarie Foh, et al. Various corruption allegations relating to the 2017 Hajj Various corruption allegations relating to the 2017 Hajj The matter was charged to court on 14/5/19 Th e accused were acquitted and discharged on the 11/10/19 12. Former Minister of Youth Affairs, Bai Mahmoud Bangura, Adekalie Samura, former Permanent Secretary and Bernard Conteh, a businessman Misappropriation of public and donor funds related to the Youth Farm, the Youth in Fishing, projects etc. Investigations commence in 2018 and concluded in 2019. Funds recovered. Matter was not charged to court. 13. Hon. Komboh Kamara Misappropriation of One Billion, Three Hundred Twenty - Three Million, Six Hundre d And Forty - Seven Thousand Leones (Le: 1,323,647,000/00) meant for the benefit of the People of Lokomasama Chiefdom. The accused was charged to court on 24/2/2020 The case is in progress 14. Dr. Sarah Finda Bendu, former Executive Director SLRSA, Victor Labor, former Procurement Manager and Ms. Kepiatu Alghali, former National Revenue Authority (NRA) Officer Conspiracy to defraud the State of Two Billion And Ninety One Million, Seven Hundred And Thirty - Six Thousand, Five Hundred And Twenty Leones, Eighty Eight Cents (Le2, 091,736,520.88), at the SLRSA Investigation commences in 2019 and they were indicted and charged to court 11/09/19. C ase ongoing in court. Matter awaiting judgment in respect of Sarah Finda Bendu and Victor Labor Kepiatu Alghali pleaded guilty and was fined Le300m which has already been paid.. 15. Sama Sesay, Abdul Mohamed Kargbo andJoseph Conteh - Revenue Officers of the National Revenue Authority (NRA) attached to the Immigration Department Misappropriation of Three Hundred Mill ion Leones (Le 300,000,000) . Investigation commences in 2018 and completed in 2020. The full amount recovered 16. Dr. Richard Konteh former Minister of Trade and Industry, Sanah J. Marrah, former Permanent Secretary, and a Lebanese businessman Bassam Ghou ssoub. It was alleged that 1.9 billion misappropriated by the Ministry of Trade and Industry. . Investigation commences in 2019 and completed in 2022. About 600 million to be recovered and contractors must refund monies paid to them to build two markets or they continue with the projects CURRENT ADMINISTRATION NO PERSON(S) INVESTIGATED ISSUE(S) INVESTIGATED OUTCOME/STATUS 1. Global Fund (HIV/AIDS Secretariat, Malaria Control Programme, National Leprosy /TB Control Programme and the Health System Strengthening Project. Misappropriation of Donor/Public Funds, relating to fraudulent procurement and payments, duplication or overl ap of activities and expenses, and conspiracy to commit a corruption offence in the implementation of the Global Funds Grants in Sierra Leone. Amount misappropriated Le539,000,000/00 Investigation commences in 2020 and completed in 2022. The sum Le 4, 179, 210, 897 (old leones ) to be recovered. Recovery of funds is ongoing 2. Dr. Sarah Finda Bendu, former Executive Director of the Sierra Leone Maritime Administration (SLMA), Dr. Komba Dinkin Marah, Head of Internal Audit, SLMA; Mariama Bonghor Sesay, Accou ntant, SLMA, and Raymond Sawyerr, a Consultant Misappropriation of Public Funds at the SLMA, amounting to Nine Hundred and Eighteen Million, Six Hundred and Fifty - Seven Thousand Leones (Le 918,657,000) Investigation commences in 2018 and concluded in 2019. The sum of Le 900 million to be r ecovered Recovery is ongoing. 3. Edward King, Acting Director of Information, and Sorieba Kamara, Senior Accountant, in the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) Misappropriation of the sum of Le 206,000,000/00 (Two Hundred and Six Million Leones), for a nationwide sensitization campaign on the Commissions of Inquiry. Investigation commences in 2018, they were Indicted and charged to court on the 1/2/19 Both of them c onvicted and sentenced to 3 years mandatory imprisonment on the 27/2/19 4. Christian Harold Abioseh Pratt - Director of Surveys and Lands at the Ministry of Lands, Country Planning and the Environment Using his office to Improperly Confer an Advantage to a non - deserving person Investigation commences in 2018 and he was Indicted and charged to court on the 27/3/19 Acquitted and Discharged on 4/3/2020 5. Emmanuel Shears - Moses, Acting Head of the Law Department, FBC Abused his office as he improperly conferred an advantage on a female student of the Department, by improperly awarding her passing examination Investigation commences in 2017 and concluded in 2018. He was indicted and charged to court on C onvicted on 27/2/19 and fined 60 Million Leones - appealed, lost the appeal and now the matter is in the Supreme Court


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