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Prosecutions / Case Statistics

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15. to October 2024 Failure by the convict to abide by the order from the J ud ge the convict shall serve 15 years imprisonment. The State was represented by Adrian. B.C Samuels (Esq) while the convict was represented by Victor S.S Ansumana (Esq)

7. No of cases =8 No of persons convicted =8 No of persons acquitted and discharged =7 ACC CONVICTIONS AND ACQUIT TALS IN 2020 Case Name Offence Number of Person convicted Acquittals Comment 1 The State vs. Alfred Kallon, (Alie Ibrahim Kanu & Suliaman Issa Turay) Conspiracy to commit a corruption offence, Abuse of Office, Peddling influence 1 2 On the 4/4/ 2020 the High Court in Freetown presided over by Justice M.M Samba JA , found the 2 nd and 3 rd Accused persons not guilty of the offences charged 2 The State vs. Christian Harlold Abioseh Pratt Abuse of Office 1 Accused was acquitted and discharged by J ustice M.M Samba on 4 th March, 2020. 3 The State vs. Allie Badara Mansaray & Richard Turay Misappropriation of Public Funds - section 36(1) and Conspiracy 128(1) 1 The 2 nd Accused is out of the jurisdictions of Sierra Leone 4 The State vs. Paul Sandi, Mo hamed Sheriff & Idrissa Yilla Misappropriation of Public Funds, failure to comply with applicable procedures and guideline relating to management of public funds contrary to sect(48)(2)(b), conspiracy 128(1) 2 1 On the 8/4/2020 Justice M.M Samba found the 1 st Accused guilty on count 1 fined Le60M or 3 years in default, count 2 fined Le60M or 3 years in default, cautioned and discharged count 3 She found the 2 nd Accused guilty on count 1 and fined Le60M or 3years in default. She cautioned a nd discharged the 2 nd Accused on count 3. The 3 rd Accused was acquitted and discharged. 5 The State vs. Idrissa Turay & Mustapha Kamara Misappropriation of Donor Property sec 37(1) and conspiracy to commit a corruption offence contrary to sec 128(1) of the ACA No12 of 2008 1 The 1 st Accused died during the trial 6 The State vs. A bdul Razak Kabba Conflict of interest contrary to section 45(1) of the anti - Corruption Act, No 12 of 2008 1 Convicted on the 23/4/2020, ordered to pay a fine 0f Le100M 7 The State vs. Ahme d Kamara, Ahmed Tambawa, Aiah Conspiracy to commit a corruption offence, Fraudulent 2 2 In a NO CASE SUBMISSION delivered by Justice Allieu Sesay

3. pay a fine of L e30M each or three years imprisonment. John Amara was a Store Keeper at the Electricity Generation and Trans mission Company in Makeni and Ibrahim Bah was a fuel dealer at NP filling Station in Makeni. M.M Sow appears for the State 8 The State vs. Ibrahim Suma Impersonation of an Officer of the Anti - Corruption Commission 1 0 On the 13/11/18 the High Court in Freetown presided over by Justice Alfred Ganda convicted the Accused on custodial sentence for impersonation to a jail term of two years. N. Davies appears for the State N.B. In 8 - cases finalized in 2018 the ACC secured the convictions of 14 Accused p ersons and the acquittal of 4 persons. Some of the cases in respect of which there were acquittals are still ongoing against the co - Accused of the acquitted persons. Total fines in 2018=Le 605M no restitutions

6. Le30M and Le2M as restitution. Payment of fines and restitutions to on or before 11/12/19 or they serve a jail term of 3years each. Stephen Yaya Mansary was acquitted and discharged. Joel Deen Tarawally appears for the State 9 The State vs. Isha Johansen & Christopher Abdul Kamara Misappropriation of Donor Funds Conspiracy 2 On the 27/5/19 the High Court in Freetown presided over by Justice R.S Fynn found the Accused per sons not guilty. They were Acquitted and discharged. C.T Mantsebo appears for the State 1 0 The State vs. Shaka Sahid Kamara, Victor Bockarie Foh, Milkaku Mansaray, Mohamed Alie Bah, Ibrahim Fakeh Conteh & Abubakarr Carew Conspiracy to commit a Corruption Offence, Misappropriation of public Funds 2 NO Case Submission Ruling delivered by Justice R.S Fynn JA on 11/10/19, Mikalu Mansaray and Mohamed Alie Bah were discharged . The judge ordered that the 1 st , 2 nd , 4 th and 5 th Accused persons proceed to open the ir defense or as they may elect. C.T Mantsebo appears for the State N.B. In the 10 - case finalized in 2019 the ACC secured the convictions of 16 Accused persons and the acquittal of 6 persons. Some of the cases in respect of which there were acquittals are still ongoing against the co - Accused of the acquitted persons. Total fines in 2019 Le770M and Restitutions Le231M

8. Momodu & Abdul S. Kamara failure to make payment of custom levy, Abuse of office JSC on 28/10/2019, the 1 st Ac cused Ahmed Kamara was acquitted and discharged. Judgment was delivered On the 24/6/202 0, 2 nd Accused Ahmed Tambawa was discharged. 3 rd and 4 th Accused persons were found guilty. On the 2/7/2020 sentencing was pronounced on the 3 rd and 4 th Accused perso ns. The judge ordered the Accused persons to pay a fine of Le30M each or three years imprisonment, payment effective on 2/7/2020 to August 2/7/2020 . 8 The State vs. Ben Fornah Failure to comply with the applicable procedures relating to the allocation of property 1 Accused was found guilty by Justice Komba Kamanda JA on 29/6/2020, sentenced to a fine of Le30M or three years imprisonment and fine to be paid immediately. Total fines in 2020 Le160M with no restitution No of cases =9 as at December, 2021 No of persons convicted =13 No of persons acquitted and discharged =3 Death on Trial - 1 ACC CONVICTIONS AND ACQUITTALS IN 2021 Case Name Offence Number of Persons convicted Acquittals Comment 1 The State vs. Bockarie Mattia Soliciting and Acc epting Advantage 1 On the 25/2/2021 in the Bo High Court Justice Ganda J. convicted the Accused person to a fine of Le50M or five years imprisonment. Fine to the paid in one mount from the date of conviction. N. Davies represented the State 2 The Sta te vs. Bobordeen Bangura Obstructing the course of justice contrary to section 127(1) of the ACA, 2008 1 On the 26/4/2021 Justice Browne Marke JSC convicted the Accused person on counts 3 &4 Obstructing the course of Justice. Ordered to pay of Le5M, alt ernatively, a term of imprisonment of 5 years on count3. A fine of Le5M, alternatively, a term

14. Update as of May 2024 No of cases =1 No of persons convicted =1 No of persons acquitted and discharged =0 ACC CONVICTIONS AND ACQUITTALS IN 202 4 Case Name Offence Number of Person convicted Acquittals Comment 1 The State vs. Sheku Abdulai Kamara Misappropriation of public Revenue, contrary to section 36(1) of the Anti - Corruption Act, No.12 of 2008 as amended by the Anti - Corruption (Amendment) Act, 2019 1 0 On the 28/5/24 Accused (Sheku Abdulai Kamara) pleaded guilty before Justice Francis Banks Kamara J. at the Hight Court in Kenem a on count (1) to count (3 and pleaded not guilty on count (4) through count (26). The Prosecutor Adrian. C Samuels allay the fears of the court that, the commission does not wish to proceed by leading evidence on the said counts and therefore offered no e vidence on them. The judge convicted the accused on the following ground; 1. the convict to pay back to the commission office in Kenema a total of NLE75,000 immediately 2. convict to pay into the consolidated fund through the court a fine of Nle50,00 each on co unts 1,2, & 3 totalling NLe150,000 or 5 years imprisonment on each count totalling 15years 3. Fines to be paid in installments of NLe30,000 on the last day of each month, starting June

13. Update as of January 2023 No of cases =2 No of persons convicted =2 No of persons acquitted and discharged =0 ACC CONVICTIONS AND ACQUITTALS IN 2023 Case Name Offence Number of Person convicted Acquittals Comment 1 The State vs. Mustapha Sensesie Misappropriation of Public Property Contrary to section 36(1) of the Anti - Corruption Act No. 12 of 2008 as amended in 2019 1 On the 3/2/23 in Bo High Court Justice Ganda J. convicted the Accused on one count of misappropriation of Public Property Contrary to Section36(1) of the Anti - Corruption Act no.12 of 2008. The Accused misappropriated 30bags of fertilizers being public p roperty allocated to the people of Gendema village, Sahn section, Bumpeh, Gao chiefdom, Bo in the Southern District. The judge ordered the Accused to pay a fine of fifty million (Le50M old note) Leone forthwith or 5yrs imprisonment. 2 The State vs. Abdul Karim Kargbo Misappropriation of Public revenue Contrary to section 36(2) of the Anti - Corruption Act No. 12 of 2008 as amended in 2019 1 On the 11/7/2023 in High Court in Kenema, Justice Aggrey Aruna found the convicted the Accused on (4) court of Misapp ropriation of Public Revenue contrary to section 36(2) of the Anti - Corruption Act No12 of 2008, as amended by the Anti - Corruption Act N09 of 2019. Accused was fine Le30M on each count to run concurrently

11. fine of Le50M or 5 years in default 8 The State vs. Chief Sahr Quee & Sundu Yongai Misappropriation of donor property, contrary to sec37(1) and conspiracy to commit corruption offence, contrary to sec128(1) of the Anti - Corruption Act N012 of 2008 2 On the 2 nd December 2021 Justice Albert Moody convicted the accused person on three counts of corruption offences; misappropriation of do nor property and conspiracy to commit corruption offences. Both were sentenced to a fine of Le30M on each count or 3years in default. The judge ordered that the fines be paid in three installments, Le10M be paid immediately and the final payment be made on or before the 10 th March 2022 9 The State vs Sheka Sahid Kamara, Victor Bockarie Foh, Ibrahim Fackeh Conteh & Abubakarr Carew Misappropriation of Public Funds contrary to section 36 of the Anti - Corruption Act N0 12. Of 2008 1 The 2 nd , 5 th 6 th Accused persons were acquitted and discharged. bench warrant remains in force for the 5 th defendant to be investigated why he jumped On the 15 th December 2021 Justice R.s Fynn JA, convicted Sheka Sahid Kamara on two counts of misappropriation of public funds contr ary to section 36 of the Act N012 of 2008 and sentenced the Accused person to 3years in default on each of the count to run concurrently APPEAL COURT On the 19 th January, 2021, Justice Maitta Maria Samba,JSC, Honourable Justice Ansumana Ivan Sesay, JA and the Honourable Justice Suliaman Bah,JA upholds Convictions and Sentence against Edward King and Sorieba Kamara. SUPREME COURT None

10. the 30 th September 2021 being funds, he misappropriated from the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA). The case continues for the seven Accused persons. On the 11/8/2021 Hawa Y. Kamara, Mary Bangura (Mrs. Ngegbai) and R ugiatu Kalokoh pleaded guilty on count1of Misappropriation of Public Revenue contrary to section 36(1) of the Anti - Corruption Act No12, of 2008 as amended in 2019 and the Prosecution offered no evidence on count2. The Accused were ordered by the Judge to p ay a fine of Le50 each and immediately or serve a jail term of five years and to restitute Le13, 330.00 each, being funds each of the misappropriated on or before the 11 th of October 2021. The trial will continue for Alimamy Turay, Noah Winnebah, Abioseh O la Barnes and Musa Momoh Lahai on 11/10/2021 6 The State vs. Joseph Sedu Mans & Yeabu M.D. Kamara Engaging in a project without prior planning contrary to section 48(2)(C) of the Anti - Corruption Act No.12 0f 2008, Willfully failing to comply with the la w relating to the tendering of contracts, contrary to section 48(2)(b) of the Anti - Corruption Act No. 12 of 2008, Misappropriation of public funds contrary to section 36(1) of the anti - Corruption act No.12 2008 and Conspiracy to commit a corruption offenc e contrary to section 128(1) of the Anti - Corruption Act, 12 of 2008 1 On the 5/08/2021 Justice Maitta Maria Samba JSC convicted the 2 nd Accused person guilty on count1, count2, count3 and count4 and not guilty on count5 and count6. Cautioned and dischar ged the Accused on count1, count2 and count4. She ordered the Accused person to pay a fine of Le50M to be paid immediately or three years imprisonment. First Accused is deceased 7 The State vs. Daniel Kapri Serry Soliciting and Accepting Advantage 201 9 Act as Amended 1 On the 15 th October, 2021 Justice Cosmotina Jarret J. convicted and sentenced the defendant to pay a

9. of imprisonment of 5years. The FINES are cumulative, total fines of Le10M and prison sentences concurrent for the two counts. Fines to be paid against Monday 3 rd May2021. J. Deen - Tarawally represented the State 3 The State vs. Salihu Sheku Nyallay Misappropriation of Public Revenue contrary to section 36(1) 1 On the 25/5/2021 Justice Aiah Simeon Allieu convicted the accused person on count1 - Misappropriation of Public Funds, sentenced to a fine of Le50M or a term of 5 years imprisonment, the Accused was further ordered to pay Le24M into the Consolidated Revenue Funds the amount he misappropriated on or before the 9/7/2021 at 1pm and receipt of the payment file d in the court. Joel Deen - Tarawally represented the State 4 The State vs. Prince Amara Misappropriation of Public Property, Conspiracy to commit a corruption offence 1 On the 10/6/2021 the Accused pleaded guilty on count1 before justice Anthony Ganda in the High Court in Bo, no evidence was offered on count2 - conspiracy to commit corruption offences. Ordered to pay a fine of Le30M, payment to be made in two installments – Le15M in the first 14 days from the date of conviction and other payment of Le15M in another 14days. In default of payment 3 years imprisonment 5 The State vs. Mohamed Sheku Turay, Alimamy Turay, Noah Winnebah. Abioseh Ola Barnes, Musa Momoh Lahai, Hawa Y. Kamara, Mary Bangura (Mrs. Ngegbai) and Rugiatu Kalokoh Misappropriation of P ublic Revenue, Conspiracy to commit a Corruption Offence 4 On the 23/7/21, the first Accused pleaded guilty on count1 Misappropriation of Public Funds and Count3 Conspiracy to commit corruption offence. Justice Aiah Simeon Allieu ordered the convict to p ay a fine of Le100M on both counts immediately or serve 10 imprisonments. The Honourable judge ordered to pay a restitution of Three Billion, Nine Hundred and Twenty Million, One Hundred and Forty - Five Thousand, Two Hundred and Sixty Leones (Le3,920,145,26 2.00) on or before

1. No of cases =8 No of persons convicted =14 No of persons acquitted and discharged 4 ACC CONVICTIONS AND ACQUITTALS IN JUNE 2018 1 Case Name Offence Number of Person convicted Acquittals Comment The State vs. Saidu Bobson Kamara &Bundu Conteh C onspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence 1 1 On the 19/1/18 the High Court in Makeni, presided over by Hon Justice Ivan Don Bosco JA., convicted the 1 st Accused person on one count of Conspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence to and ordered that the Accus ed pay a fine of Le15M or serve three years imprisonment. The convict conspired to misappropriate 147(50) Kg bags of Bulgur, 147(23Kg) bags of Soya beans and 65 cartons of vegetable oil of CRS/USAID food aid meant for School Children at various homes suppo rted by CRS School feeding programme at Neimi Chiefdom, Koinadugu District. The 2 nd Accused Bundu Conteh was acquitted and discharged. M. M Sow appears for the state 2 The State vs. Mohamed P. Konneh & Sahr Mani Conspiracy to commit a Corruption Offe nce, Abuse of Office, Soliciting and Accepting Advantage 2 0 On the 30/1/18 the High Court in Freetown, presided over by Justice Ernest Gooding J., convicted the Accused persons to three years imprisonment to run concurrently. The court banned the Accused persons from teaching for five years in accordance to section 131 of Anti - Corruption Act of 2008. Both of the Accused persons solicited and accepted the sum of Le250 , 000 from Amie Fayia a student of WASSE to re - sit mathematics paper II. 3 The State vs. Franklyn Jenkins, Lawrence Amadu Kpangu, Austin Kposowa Misappropriation of Donor Funds 4 0 On the 28/2/18 Franklyn Jenkins, Lawrence Amadu Kpagu, Austin Kposowa Bockarie and Christopher

12. Update as of January 2022 No of cases =2 No of persons convicted =2 No of persons acquitted and di scharged 1 ACC CONVICTIONS AND ACQUITTALS IN 2022 Case Name Offence Number of Person convicte d Acquittals Comment 1 The State vs. Emmanuel Tucker & Edward Mustapha Luseni Misappropriation of Donor Funds contrary to section 37(1) of the Anti - C orruption Act No:12 of 2008 1 1 On Thursday 13 th January 2022 Justice Anthony Ganda found the 2 nd Accused person, Edward Mustapha Luseni former staff of the Anglican Diocese of Bo N0: 2 Luseni Street Gbondo Town Bo guilty on six counts out of eight counts of misappropriation of Donor Funds and ordered the Accused to pay a fine of Le30M or serve a jail term of three years. The Judge further ordered the Accused to pay Le30M as restitution to the Anti - Corruption Commission within three months from the date o f conviction. The 1 st Accused was acquitted and discharged on all eight counts of misappropriation of Donor Funds 2 The State vs. FodaySuliaman Bangura & Abubakarr Sankoh Conspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence , contrary to section 128(1) , and Engagi ng in Academic Malpractices, contrary to Section 128(3), of the Anti - Corruption Act No.12 as amended by the Anti - Corruption Act No.9 of 2019 1 and the 2 nd Accused on the run and wanted On Wednesday13th July, 2022, the High Court in Makeni presided over b y Justice Unisa Kamara J. convicted the 1 st Accused Foday Suliaman Bangura to pay a fine of Le50,000 (New Notes) or to serve five years imprisonment on count 1 - Engaging in Academic Malpractices, contrary to Section 128(3), of the Anti - Corruption Act No.12 of 2008 as amended by the Anti - Corruption Act No. 9 of 2019. The 2 nd Accused Abubakarr Sankoh is on the run and wanted

2. Bockarie, Christopher Kamoh, Emmanuel Tucker & Joseh Kainessie Kam oh changed their pleas from not guilty to guilty before Justice M.M Stevens at the BO High Court. They were convicted to three years imprisonment and a fine of Le 150M each. Emmanuel Tucker and Joseph Kainesie case is ongoing. CT Mantsebo appeared for the S tate 4 The State vs. Foday Johnny, Shar Nat Kelly, Quamy Idrissa Thullah & Michael Kpakiwa Accepting an Advantage, Abuse of Office 2 2 On the 2/3/18, the High Court in Freetown presided over by Justice Alusine Sesay now JSC, sentenced Foday Johnny and Quamy Idrissa Thullah to three years imprisonment or pay a of Le90M each on their convictions on a three - count charge of Accepting an Advantage and Abuse of Office. The 2 nd and 4 th Accused persons Shar1q Nat Kelly and Michael Kpakiwa both Police Officers w ere acquitted and discharged. S. Harleston appears for the State 5 The State vs. Emmanuel Brima & Momoh Macderiel Kpaka Misappropriation of Donor Property 1 1 On the 2/5/18 the Kenema High Court presided over by Justice Ivan Sesay J., convicted the A ccused person to a fine of Le40M or three years imprisonment on one court charge of Misappropriation of Donor Property. The accused was a field officer attached to the Sierra Leone Poverty Alleviation Agency. The 2 nd Accused was acquitted and discharged. N . Davies appears for the State 6 The State vs. Solomon Mitchell Kamara Misappropriation of Public Funds, C 1 0 On the 18/10/18 the High Court in Bo presided over by Justice Unisa Kamara J. convicted the Accused person to a fine Le 30M on three counts of Misappropriation of Public Funds or three years in default. N. Davies appears for the State 7 The State vs. John Amara & Ibrahim Bah Conspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence 2 0 On the 26/10/18 the High Court at Makeni presided over by Justice Mon fred Sesay J., convicted the Accused persons on one count of Conspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence. Both Accused were ordered to

5. Mansaray &Mohamed Suliaman Quraishi (Makeni) Kamara he convicted two Head Teachers, Edward Salifu Mansaray of the Roman Catholic Primary School and Andrew Saio Mansaray of the Wesleyan Church Sierra Leone on two counts of Soliciting. The Accused persons were ordered to pay a fin e of L e30M each or 3 years imprisonment. Mohamed Suliaman Ouraishi was acquitted and discharged. Timothy P.M Sowa appears for the State 6 The State vs. Sarah Finda Bendu and Victor Labour& Kepiatu Alghali Misappropriation of Public Funds, Conspiracy to C ommit Corruption Offences 1 On the 30/9/19 the Freetown High Court presided over by Justice Cosmotina Jarret J. convicted the Accused person on her own plea. She was fined Le300M on count 1(Misappropriation of Public Funds) and count 6(Conspiracy to C ommit a Corruption Offence). The Third Accused (Kepiatu Alghali) was ordered to pay a restitution of Le227, 000 on the 1 st October 2019. Case in progress or the other Accused Persons. C.T Mantsebo appears for the State 7 The State vs. Jonathan Michael Je nkins Soliciting advantage contrary to 28(2) of the Anti - Corruption Act, No 12 of 2008 Abuse of Office, contrary to section 42(1) of the Anti - Corruption Act,No 12 of 2008 1 None On the 11/10/19 the High Court at Freetown presided over by Justice R.S Fy nn JA., convicted the Accused person in Count1 - Soliciting Advantage and count 2 - Abuse of Office. The Accused was ordered to pay a fine of L e50M in count 1 and Le50M in count 2, Or 4 years in prison on each count, to run concurrently. Fines to be paid imme diately. E.K Amara appears for the State 8 The State vs. Steven Yaya Mansaray, Adele Faya, Abu Bakarr Bangura & Isatu Ulaikatu Kiamp Kamara Conspiracy to commit a Corruption Offence, Misappropriation of Public Funds 3 1 On the 12/11/2019 in the High C ourt in Freetown presided over by Justice Bintu Alhadi J. convicted Adele Faya, Isatu Ulaikatu Kiamp Kamara and Abubakarr Bangura. Adele Faya was ordered to pay a fine of Le30M and Le2M as restitution, Isatu Ulaikatu Kiamp Kamara was ordered to pay a fine of Le30M and Le2M as restitution and Abubakarr Kamara was ordered to pay a fine of

4. No of cases =10 No of persons convicted =16 No of persons acquitted and discharged 6 ACC CONVICTIONS AND ACQUITTALS IN 2019 1 Case Name Offence Number of Person convicted Acquittals Comment The State vs. Abubakarr Sidique Turay, Edward Kargbo, Moses Khroma (A lias M.O Jah), Lamin Lumeh Mansaray & Mathew Amara Sesay Misappropriation of Public Funds 5 None On the 12/2/19 the High Court in Kenema, presided over by Hon Justice Ivan SesayJ., convicted the Accused persons and ordered that each of the Accused pay a fine of Le 30M or three years imprisonment. N. Davies appears for the State 2 The State vs. Edward King & Sorieba Kamara Misappropriation of Public Funds, Failure to pay tax payable to public body contrary, Failure to comply with applicable procedures a nd guidelines relating to the management of funds, 2 None On the 27/2/19 the Accused persons changed their pleas from Not guilty to Guilty before Justice Bintu Alhadi J. The Prosecution offered no evidence on count 3, 4, and 5. They were sentenced to 3 y ears imprisonment each, custodian no alternative. E.K Amara appears for the State 3 The State vs. Emmanuel Ekundayo Constant Shears - Moses Abuse of Office 1 None On the 27/2/19 Justice M.M Samba JA convicted the Accused Person on two counts relati ng to Abuse of Office. Accused was ordered to pay a fine of Le30M on each count totaling Le60M and payment to be me made immediately or 3 years imprisonment. The State was represented by M.M Sow 4 The State vs. Abdul Barrie Using Office to Improperly Co nfer an advantage 1 None On the 24/4/19 the Accused Person changed his plea from Not Guilty to Guilty on count5. The Accused person was ordered to pay a fine of Le250M by Justice Fynn JA. Payment made to the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Matter in progress on counts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7. S. Harleston appears for the State 5 The State vs. Edward Salifu Mansaray, Andrew Saio Soliciting and Accepting Advantage 2 1 On the 8/5/19 the Makeni High Court presided over by Justice Unisa


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