An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

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1. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority NATIONAL ANTI - CORRUPTION STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN (2014 - 2018) Republic of Sierra Leone 4/27 /2014 Commissioned by th e Sierra Leone Anti - Corruption C ommission Technical Expert Team

4. 4 4 SIERRA LEONE IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN FOR THE NATIONAL ANTI - CORRUPTION STRATEGY (2014 - 2018) INTRODUCTION The main instrument for implementation of the Anti - corruption Strategy remains the Implementation Action Plan, which is an integral part of the strategy document. In accordance with the general and specific objectives established for each priority sector, including both horizontal and vertical priorities of the Strategy, the Implementation Action Plan is designed to implement these objectives through specific and concrete anti - corruptio n measures. It consists of specific action - pla n objectives, benchmarks and Corruption Control measures, together with tangible success indicators and clear and realistic timelines. When the timelines are indicated as „ on - going “ , it implies that the progres s in such measures is supposed to be reviewed periodically , in co - operation with corresponding institutions. The ACC is responsible for coordinating and controlling implementation of the Strategy through measures envisaged in the Anti - corruption Impleme ntation Action Plan. Bearing in mind some lessons learned from the past NACS implementation (2009 - 2013), and in order to increase efficiency and ownership of institutions for implementation of measures from the Action Plan, the process of implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan shall be re - organised and based on the following premises: ∑ The ACC, in collaboration with focal contact points in each MDA, including civil society organisations, Media and professional associations tasked to implement the measures from the Action plan shall, within 30 days from adoption of the Strategy and Action Plan adopt detailed work plan for annual implementation of each measure. Such work plan should become an integrative part of the annual work plan and performance target of each institution and be endorsed by the Heads of responsible institutions. It goes without saying that appropriate financial support for implementation of defined measures shall be secured, but also assistance from international community for complex measures may be requested. ∑ The ACC and its focal contact points shall focus on effects o f adopted measures, and in this sense prepare not only on quantitative, but also qualitative monitoring reports based on success indicators identified in the Action Plan. For the purpose of preparation of qualitative evaluation of measures, the ACC and foc al contact points may be inspired from experience and methodology of civil society organisations for qualitative monitoring. It implies increased level of co - operation and co - ordination with civil society organisations, as proposed in the Strategy. ∑ Upon establishing of the co - ordination body composed of heads of key anti - corruption institutions, as envisaged by the Strategy, the implementation of complex measures implying higher degree of co - operation between institutions shall be discussed within this b ody. Such measures, due to their crosscutting nature share many challenges and require structured and systematic communication between responsible leadership of institutions, with clearly defined roles and responsibilities. ∑ Regarding implementation of specific anti - corruption education and training measures, the ACC shall, within 30 days from adoption of the Strategy and Action Plan in collaboration with partner institutions, civil society and international community discuss and establish the annual wor k plan for conducting education and training activities. CORE PRINCIPLES OF THE IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN This is based on the following strategic principles, which have proven critical in reform programmes worldwide: • "Political leadership " – setting t he tone at the top: - early and continual visible signs of political endorsement from the highest level are planned, so that everyone in Sierra Leone can see the extent of commitment to the success of NACS; • "Think big" and "start small" – the implementat ion plan schemes a series of reforms across all the integrity pillars, so that each will complement the other over time, providing the required horizontal

21. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 21 21 and help enhance development SLAJ IMC Train Editors and Journalist s on Professional standards On - going Ministry of Information Ditto Number of trainings held Enhanced professional journalism Support SLBC to promote production companies portraying significant local content in their films On - going Ministry of Information Ditto Number of production companies supported Facilitate the enactment of comprehensive Media & Cultural Policy Short - term Ministry of Information Ditto Enacted Media & Cultural Policy To ensure that the services provided by mobile network providers meet the need s of customers and are efficient Weak supervision of mobile network service providers leads to extortion of the general populace Undertake close supportive supervision of all mobile service providers and track their activities on a daily basis Train more technical staff on tracking and monitoring mobile communications, billing and quality of network Short - term On - going Ministry of Information Ditto Number of technical staff trained on mobile communication monitoring Assign network providers to a number of trained staff and oblige them to report on a daily basis On - going Ministry of Information Ditto Number and regularity of reports submitted by staff Enforce sanctions on breaches by mobile network service providers and ensure that their billing system reflects international standards of MINUTES the current UNITS billing system On - going Short - term Ministry of Information Ditto Level of enforcing sanctions on mobile service providers Responsiveness of revised billing to international standards To promote auto - regulation and protect the credibility of citizens and the state against cyber bullies and other related online crimes No laws covering auto - regulation by internet service providers Develop database and enforce mandatory registration of all internet service providers and subject them to a set of guidelines regarding acceptable and unacceptable contents Undertake a comprehensive registration of all internet service providers in Sierra Leone Quick - win Ministry of Information NATCOM IMC Ditto Updated database of internet service providers Develop and publish guidelines for auto - regulation and general online service provision Quick - win Ministry of Information NATCOM Ditto Effectiveness of published online guidelines

53. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 53 53 of the Codes of Conduct and sector - specific internal regulations ensuring integrity and transparency in municipalities and other vulnerable public institutions identified based on risk assessment LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Co uncils CSOs Delays in convening public participation and monitoring mechanism Prioritise public participation and monitoring mechanism Each districts to draw up timetable, with implementation monitored by province to enable rapid convening of villages and other Community Boards Quick - win ACC LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils CSOs Ditto Number of detailed districts monitoring timetables published internally Ensure that all councils and Ward Development Committee meetings are open to the public Quick - win LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils CSOs ACC Ditto Level of open participation at council meetings outlined in attendance register Weak mechanism to ensure sound use of development funds Introduce rigour, wide participation and transparency in development process Institutional strengthening of planning/monitoring committees 1 - 5 years On - going LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils CSOs Ditto Strengthened Planning/monitoring Committees Review formal prioritisation mechanism to see how it can be strengthened and encourage debate about the criteria Quick - win LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils CSOs Ditto Extent of enforcing revised and strengthened mechanisms Development projects to be based on Independent Quick - win LGSC Ditto Number of projects generated through a

54. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 54 54 Community needs assessment with broad local participation On - going Ministry of Local Government Local Councils CSOs Donors broad participatory approach Laid down requirements for details of all projects to be made public at planning stage, either in local community (local projects) or in the media (national projects) Quick - win On - going LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils CSOs ACC Donors Ditto Extent of public coverage of published requirements Aid agencies and International Finance Institutions (IFIs) to be required by law to publicise their assistance and the terms of loans Quick - win LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils CSOs ACC Donors IFIs Ditto Number of aid agencies and IFIs publicising assistance and loans to local councils Procurement Rules and Laws are not properly adhered to due to political interference Ensure that local Govt understands the importance of procurement and follow the rules to the law so as to facilitate transparency and public participation High value and high profile procurement to be based on integrity pacts Quick - win On - going LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils CSOs ACC NPPA Donors Ditto Number of high - profile procurements supported by integrity pacts

55. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 55 55 Suppliers All consultancy contracts except single source selection of engineering experts should be processed on the two envelope system, evaluated on the basis of technical competence with minimum passing marks of 75%. The financial proposals of firms lower than 75% should be returned unopened, the remaining fi nancial proposals should be publicly opened, and the contract awarded to the lowest bidder Quick - win On - going LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils CSOs ACC NPPA Donors Suppliers Ditto Percentage of contract awards going through the appropriate procurement processes Project specifications to be widely publicised/circulated/ advertised with defined minimum period before invitations to bid Quick - win On - going LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils CSOs NPPA ACC Donors Ditto Number of projects with widely published and advertised specifications Procurement process (requirements, deadlines etc. ) to be widely publicised, generally and at time of invitation to bid Quick - win On - going LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils CSOs NPPA ACC Suppliers Number of contract awards that are widely publicised and advertised as required by law Evaluations should be on pre - determined and pre - publicised criteria Quick - win On - going LGSC Ministry of Local Government Ditto Percentage of contract awards going through the appropriate procurement

28. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 28 28 provide trai ning to production companies Ministry of Trade & Industry To redirect business and manufacturing towards the formal sector Bulk of the Country activities are in the informal sector Formalise the informal sector Establish comprehensive database on the informal sector. Create opportunities for informal sectors operated to enter the formal sectors through banking and finance Establish data and analysis o n the scale, nature and impact of informal economy in Sierra Leone Short - term On - going Private sector partners NGOs Ditto Efficacy of d ata base developed and operationalized Public awareness campaigns organized to raise public awareness on the harmful effects and prevention of the informal economy Establish a mechanism to enhance the information exchange between Tax Administration and Customs on import and export of goods Quick - win On - going ACC Business sector Ditto Extent of g eographical coverage of awareness messages and efficacy of mechanisms established to enhance information exchanged Establish a single boarder control mechanism to prevent informal economy related to the import and export of goods Short - term Private sector Ministry of Trade NRA Ditto Relevance of m echanisms established and in operation Completed bureaucracy in the process of doing business in Sierra Leone Streamline the process and reduce/eliminate bureaucratic hurdled Conduct sting detailed analysis of existing procedures and criteria for certification, licensing and other registration documents in different fields. Quick - win Ministry of Trade Ditto Availability of data for public use Based on analysis, eliminate unnecessary procedures as much as possible along with simplifying existing procedures for registration, issuing, licensing and approving of registration Quick win O n - going Ministry of Trade Ditto Simplified procedures developed and in use

52. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 52 52 Ministry of Finance ACC Educate members of the Local government on roles, authority and responsibilities at all levels Quick - win LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils CSOs Ditto Number of sensitization reports and local council staff reached Adequately equip local Governments with resources (officers, offices, equipment, investment in staff, budgets etc.) needed to perform their functions Introduce cadre system for local councils 1 - 5 years LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils Ministry of Finance Ditto Equipped and modernised local government Widely publicise the duties and service standards of the local government functions and officials Short - term On - going LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils CSOs Ditto Number of publicised and published reports Establish a capacity building scheme for internal audit functions Quick - win LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils Ditto Detailed capacity building scheme published Develop and implement training programs on integrity and transparency in municipalities and other vulnerable public institutions identified based on risk assessment Quick - win ACC LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils Ditto Detailed and internally published accountability and integrity training programme schedule - Spot inspections to assess the implementation Quick - win ACC Ditto Number of inspection reports and regularity

63. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 63 63 of competent personnel with integrity and high credibility and without influence from powerful outsiders, political or otherwise the force due to political and other externa l pressures by region, area or locality and request vetting institutions and or members of the locality to vet their suitability for recruitment On - going RSLF Prisons Fire Force ONS publication lists Develop and implement a recruitment policy Short - term SLP RSLF Prisons Fire Force ONS Ditto Policy on recruitment for the security sector To ensure that personnel separated with families are appropriately dispatched and that promotions are made according to laid down procedures Lack of welfare and displacement or separation allowance for personnel separated with their families; flawed and highly influenced promotion procedures Review policy on transfer allowances and promotions procedures for security sector personnel Timely payment of displacement allowance and make it reflective of current economic trends On - going SLP RSLF Prisons Fire Force ONS Ditto Number of personnel transferred with adequate relocation packages Publish and widely discuss promotion criteria with all personnel of the forces and follow such guidelines in effecting all promotions On - going SLP RSLF Prisons Fire Force ONS Ditto Level of compliance with promotion guidelines and procedures To ensure that housing facilities match the rate of recruitments and regular transfers and existing structures improved Inadequate housing facilities for personnel and poor maintenance of existing structures Construct more quarters for the forces and modernize existing structures Engage donors and the Ministry of Finance & Works and design a plan for construction of additional quarters Short - term 1 - 5 years SLP RSLF Prisons Fire Force ONS Ditto Progress on sourcing funds to execute the construction plan Regular power supply to structures for effective communication and functionality of computers and other working equipment Short - term On - going SLP RSLF Prisons Fire Force ONS Ditto Quality of security sector response To promote the culture and practice of Over - centralization of maintenance and logistical Decentralize procurement of logistics and maintenance Develop a mechanism to gradually transfer Quick - win SLP Ditto Availability of a well crafter mechanism to

37. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 37 37 raising about the purpose of such registration emphasizing that it is a planning tool, not any guarantee for job provision Prepa re annual budget using priorities outlined in the youth database and approach NaCSA and other donors for support Encourage and continue to support productive and enterprising youth initiatives Short - term On - going On - going 1 - 5 years On - going Number of awareness raising sessions held Streamlined annual budget reflecting youth priorities Promoted number of productive and enterprising youth initiatives Planning for youth support done on ad hoc basis than being informed by a comprehensive database Omission of commercial sex workers, ghetto “ pushers ” and various other disadvantaged groups from youth support Institutionalize an annual database registration of all youths and involve all disadvantaged and the most vulnerable groups as beneficiary for all youth support Undertake zonal - ground mapping of all locations where youths are found in a particular locatio n Send officials to register youths in their locations detailing their employment (needs) status and nature of support they will embrace Publish list of registered youths in their locality for verification and inclusion of those not included Conduct fr ank awareness raising about the purpose of such registration emphasizing that it is a planning tool, not any guarantee for job provision Quick - win Short - term Short - term National Youth Commission CSOs Ditto Translated map of youths displayed in communities Synchronised youth register in place and used for planning Published list of youths Number of awareness raising sessions held

38. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 38 38 Prepare annual budget using priorities outlined in the youth database and approach NaCSA and other donors for support Encourage and continue to support productive and enterprising youth initiatives Short - term On - going On - going 1 - 5 years On - going Streamlined annual budget reflecting youth priorities Promoted number of productive and enterprising youth initiatives PILLAR 6 NACSA Improving openness and accountability in supporting all community - driven projects L ess - transparent manner of supporting com munity - driven projects Make project approval criteria more open, accountable and fair Develop and publish all stages involved in approving projects generated by communities and adhere to such guidelines Publish service - delivery charter and monitor adherence Continue to pay contractors on the basis of satisfactory contractual obligations as certified by the beneficiaries and NaCSA Regional team. Source funding and engage donors to support projects that will be viably providing sustainable impact to the lives of all, such as Youth Friendly Quick - win Quick - win On - going NaCSA Donors Operational communities Ditto Coverage of published project approval criteria Number of locations where service charters are published and level of monitoring Number of payments executed on the basis of satisfactory contractual obligations Number of donors engaged, amount of funding sourced and nature of projects supported

9. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 9 9 Ministry of Trade Civil society Each MDA to report on specific deregulation measures to be implementedor adopted Short - term MDAs Civil society Ditto Number of MDAs deregulation reports discussed and disseminated Centralisation of power and Authority resulting to personalisation of institution Promote delegation of responsibility and accountability Restructure the management of various institutions w ithin the Executive arms of Government so as to hold Ministers,Permanent Secretaries and Heads of MDAs accountable for performance of their staff Short - term Office of the President Ditto Modernised executive structures with adequate capacity and resources Secretive and disempowering government Introduction of a transparent culture of openness and empowerment of its citizens Full implementation of the Right to Access Information Act Short - term 1 - 5 years GoSL MDAs Ditto Implemented FOI law MDAs to report on plan to increase transparency and access to information Short - term MDAs Ditto Quality of s tandard ised MDA reporting mechanism and verified reports 2 Legislature To improve the legal and institutional framework for the efficient and systematic suppression of corruption L ack of/l ow parliamentary integrity Instil a sense of integrity amongst legislators and increase their commitment to NACS Workshops for legislators about NACS to encourage their active involvements Short - term NACS/ACC Parliament Civil Society Ditto Training schedule Number of t raining and workshop reports produced Reports of parliamentary oversight on NACS issues Increase legislators capacity for resistance to corruption Make amendment to Oath of Legislators to cover conflict of interest and corruption 1 - 5 years Parliament Judiciary Executive Ditto Amended Oath for Legislators Increase transparency of asset Strengthen institutions to 1 - 5 years ACC Ditto Automated asset

56. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 56 56 Local Councils CSOs NPPA ACC processes Evaluation committees for procurement over defined amount should include members of civil society, for example from Institute of Chartered Accountants, Institute of Engineers Quick - win On - going LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils CSOs NPPA ACC Ditto Quality and appropriateness of procurement committees in relation to specific awards NGOs Improving international co - operation in the suppression of corruption Foreign government, multi - national companies and donor agencies encourage or fail to prevent corruption Build the willingness, capacity and confidence of the government, multinational organisation and donor agencies to fight corruption Provide further support and impetus for the coalition of multi - national to implement OECD convention to combat bribery of Foreign public officials. Coalition to meet regularly to determine w ays to reduce corruption in procurement and other business interaction. Short - term On - going SLANGO INGOs CSOs Ministry of Finance ACC Donors Ditto Nature and extent of NGO coalition on implementing anti - bribery OECD recommendations Members of coalition to sign integrity pact, monitored by civil society representatives Short - term On - going SLANGO INGOs CSOs Ministry of Finance ACC Donors Ditto Number of NGOs/CSOs signing up to integrity - pacts Create system to enable effective blacklisting of companies breaching integrity pacts or undertaking corruption in other procurements On - going SLANGO INGOs CSOs Ministry of Finance ACC NPPA Ditto Level of cooperation by MDAs and NPPA to blacklist companies breaching integrity pacts GoSL and embassies to develop guidelines to deal with cases of alleged corruption involving and Short - term SLANGO INGOs Ditto Number of embassies c ommitting signatures to mutual anti - corruption guidelines

58. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 58 58 Efficient management of GoSL support to local support and continuous engagement with government Institute competitive mechanisms for selection of players to all international competitions and mandatory publication of lists Quick - win On - going Quick - win On - going Level of transparent and accountable management of funding provided Fairness and level adherence to mechanisms Ministry of Local Government Decentralization with accountability is enhanced through strengthening local councils for better handling of devolved functions and service delivery at local level Failure to prioritize local council capacity building as an excuse for delay in devolving functions outlined in the 2004 Local Government Act, and non adherence to asset disclosure by staff Coordinate use of revenue generated locally for the intended purpose and ensure that capacity building budget is judicially and transparently accounted for Sensitize the general public on the use of all local revenue generated and publish financial statements on Council Notice Boards Monitor the use of mandatory logging of all drivers to track fuel use and machinery care Gradually devolve all outstan ding functions in accordance with the 2004 LGA Facilitate serialised Quick - win On - going Quick - win On - going Ministry of Local Government LGFD Local Councils CSOs MDAs Ditto Number of published sensitization and revenue reports Regularity of published vehicle - movement monitoring reports Full devolution of functions enhanced

3. 3 3 SIERRA LEONE IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN FOR THE NATIONAL ANTI - CORRUPTION STRATEGY (2014 - 2018) 7.2.23. National Public Procurement Authority 7.2.24. Financial Management 7.2.25. Dev elopment Projects 7.2.26. Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children Affairs 7.2.27. 7.3. Other Agencies 7.3.1. Local Government Authority 7.3.2. NGO 7.3.3. Ministry of Sports 7.3.4. Ministry of Local Government 7.3.5. Ministry of Energy 7.3.6. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation 7.3.7. Ministr y of Works, Housing and Infrastructure 7.3.8. National Revenue Authority 7.3.9. Security Sector (Sierra Leone Police, Office of National Security, National Fire Fore, Prisons Department and Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces) 7.3.10. National Commission for Privatization 7.3.11. National Social Security and Insurance Trust 7.3.12. Transport Sector (Sierra Leone Maritime Administration, Sierra Leone Road Transport Authority, Sierra Leone Airport Authority, Sierra Leone Road Transport Corporation, Sierra Leone Ports Authority) 7.3.13. Ministry of Transport and Aviation

12. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 12 12 Principles on the Role of lawyers' formulated by Eighth UN Congress on Crime Prevention ( iii) Put limit on term of election To enhance integrity, responsibility and transparency in the work of the Judiciary Low motivation of the Judiciary particularly the lower segment Increase motivation and improve morale of lower judiciary Increase remuneration of judiciary to decent level 1 - 5 years Judiciary Parliament Attorney General Ditto Attractive competitive environment for the judiciary Reform career structure for low judiciary to provide clear career progression on achievement of clear performance standards 1 - 5 years Judiciary Attorney General Ditto Clear career path instituted Improve infrastructural facilities and work environment 1 - 5 years Judiciary Attorney General Ditto Quality of s trengthened capacity Judicial appointments system lacks transparency and meritocracy Promote transparency and meritocracy in Judicial appointments Fix ratio for elevation to higher courts from lower judiciary Short - term Judiciary Chief Justice Attorney General Ditto Compliance rate of c lear and transparent progression path Appointments to lower judiciary by High Courts, only through transparent and competitive examination applied uniformly 1 - 5 years Judiciary Chief Justice Attorney General Ditto Merited standards are strictly followed Ban lateral entry in lower judiciary 1 - 5 years Judiciary Ditto Level of compliance with s tandardised system s Inadequate capacity and low incentive Build capacity in the Judiciary and build incentive Training and specialisation in criminal and civil proceedings 1 - 5 years Legal Council Judiciary Ditto Transparent and standardised transfer mechanisms in place and fully adhered to Number of training reports Introduce progressive judicial training and education as well as workshops 1 - 5 years Judiciary Attorney General Legal Council Ditto Comprehensive education and training scheme established and monitored Lack of judicial accountability Enhance judicial accountability and public confidence Expand membership and, institutional capacity of the higher Judiciary 1 - 5 years Judiciary Attorney General Ditto Expanded judicial membership and strengthened institutional capacity Create code of ethics/ conduct with wide 1 - 5 years Judiciary Ditto Published and respected code of

25. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 25 25 LGFD to ensure prompt disbursement of funds for agricultural activities 1 - 5 years On - going MAFFS Ditto Hold periodic agricultural sector meetings and produce reports On - going MAFFS Ditto Number of meetings held per quarter and reports published In line with the NGO policy, ensure that all NGOs implementing agricultural projects go through the Ministry and share proposals Quick win MAFFS NGOs CSOs Ditto Level of e nforced compliance for all NGOs Train more foresters, and equip the monitoring unit (PEMSD) to effectively monitor all agricultural activities including seed loan and forestry logging Short - term MAFFS Ditto Number of training models, reports and monitoring findings published To promote and increase private sector - driven value addition activities on agricultural goods Limited value addition due to inadequate processing facilities, and limited access to finance, and a an infant stage of sector Provide agro - processing facilities in new ABCs and in a growth pole, formalize an SEZ policy and support its full implementation Agro - processing facilities provided in all ABCs and a growth pole 1 - 5 years MAFFS Ditto Percentage of value addition activiti es on agricultural goods to agricultural GDP and total GDP

43. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 43 43 abuse of power by officials. To improve the legal and institutional framework for the efficient and systematic suppression of corruption Conduct complete organizational and functional review of public administration in Sierra Leone with a view to identify weak points inside the public administration structures regarding the corruption and act in this regard. Short - term 1 - 5 years HRMO PSC Ditto Review report shared and implemented Crunch of leadership Enhance quality of institutional leadership in public sector Consider recruitment to senior positions to a wide range of candidate on meritocratic and transparent basis; develop person specification and job description for all senior positions and vacancies; Advertise all Senior posts widely. 1 - 5 years PSC HRMO Ditto High quality productive and efficient civil service Provide greater job security with fixed tenures to seniorposts, linked to performanceand accountabilityrequirements . Ensure transparency of justificationfor exceptions to fixed tenure On - going PSC HRMO Ditto Secured job - tenure and transparent processes in place Create new models ofgovernment which provide forenhanced autonomy (HR,yearsfinancial, operational) withincreased accountabilityof institutions On - going HRMO Ditto New Government model developed Strengthen accountability of Senior officials at MDAs Clearly set out, and widely publicise, senior officials objectives, responsibilities,in particular resources, and system of accountability 1 - 5 years HRMO Ditto Manual on senior Civil Service developed and popularised Require senior officials to issue annual performanceobjectives Short - term On - going GoSL, HRMO Ditto Individual performance objectives developed

67. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 67 67 To discourage the practice of demanding tips to render services Immigration officers demanding tips from the travelling public and bypassing procedures (preferencing foreign nationals who pay high tips) Fast - track development of Airport Service Charter Organise workshop on newly developed service charter for all personnel working at the airport and emphasize on sanctions Quick - win SLAA ACC Ditto Report of workshops organised A responsive public transportation system that will meet the needs of 50% commuters nationwide Weak or noproper public transportation system in place Undertake studies of successful public transportation system and adapt successful models in line with Sierra Leone peculiaritie s Increase the number of public buses through effective collaboration with the private sector Short - term On - going SLRTC Ministry of Transport & Aviation Ditto Percentage increa se of public buses Revise the payment system from one - off to distance and hourly payment for travel in and around the city Quick - win SLRTC MTA Ditto Efficacy of revised payment system Routine maintenance of public buses and proper management of finance through pre - audit of the ticketing system Quick - win SLRTC MTA Ditto Number of pre - audit reports and action taken on defaulters

27. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 27 27 To operationalize a comprehensive Media and Culture Policy for budgetary support by GoSL Lip service assertion of Sierra Leone ’ s culture that is less preserved, hardly researched upon and no proper planning nor effective management of beaches to attract tourist and investment Develop a media and cultural policy as a vehicle to assert Sierra Leone ’ s culture through film and television; support localities to manage beaches for international attraction Train, provide logistics and deploy guards to all major beaches in collaboratio n with host communities and local councils Quick - win Ministry of Tourism Ditto Number of trained guards deployed to beaches Work in close partnership with the Relics Commission for on - going resear ch excavation and preservation of hidden monuments and valuable heritage adding value to the Sierra Leone culture 1 - 5 years Ministry of Tourism Ditto Extent of excavation undertaken Revive cultural studies in schools and modernize the Sierra Leone museum to ensure that students and citizens use it as a space to learn about Sierra Leone ’ s rich past 1 - 5 years Ministry of Tourism MEST Ditto Availability of r evised curricula and school cultural activities Collaborate with the Ministry of Finance and Office of the President to ensure increased budgetary allocation specific to film & television as a conduit to infuse Sierra Leone culture in all emerging local films that SLBC and all local pay TVs will broadcast from time to time Revive the theatres, and 1 - 5 years Ministry of Tourism Ministry of Finance Ditto Timeliness and adequacy of budgetary allocation Number of theatres revived and production companies trained

49. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 49 49 target. All development on participatory basis Increased transparency of the budget process and format Parliamentary debates to be televised live Quick - win SLBC Parliament CSOs Ditto Number of live televised parliamentary debates Simplification of budget format. Quick - win Ministry of Finance CSOs Ditto Level of simplified budget format Inadequate public participation in the budgetary process More public participation in the budgetary process Regular pre - budget seminar. Quick - win On - going Ministry of Finance CSOs Ditto Regularity of pre - budget seminars Slow progress and roll - out of the reforms to MDAs and the lack of the involvement of civil society to monitor the process More CSOs participation and accelerate the reforms roll - out to MDAs Simplify and publicize progress on the Integrated Financial Management System and hold regular consultations with civil society on follow - up of monitoring indicators Quick - win Ministry of Finance CSOs Donors Ditto Depth of simplified integrated financial management systems Development Projects Weak external monitoring of development projects Strengthen transparency and external monitoring of projects Undertake reviews of unfinished and completed projects to identify projects which should be abandoned, finished and learn lessons from. Quick - win Ministry of Finance CSOs ASSL Ditto Updated database of on - going projects Strengthen ASSL capacity to undertake performance concurrent audit of procurement and projects focusing on social sector projects Short - term On - going ASSL CSOs NGOs Ditto Number of project performance audit reports produced and published Failure to meet development needs and increase the opportunity for corruption Strengthen functional specialisation and professional/technical developmental areas Ensure all project payments are made on the basis of milestone and output Quick - win On - going Ministry of Finance CSOs ASSL Donors Ditto Level of value for money guaranteed in project payment Donors to design and implement robust output measures to social sector project and budget support On - going Donors Ministry of Finance CSOs Ditto Revised donor output measures for donor social sector projects PILLAR 8 Ministry of Social Welfare, Ditto

36. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 36 36 of those not included Conduct fr ank awareness raising about the purpose of such registration emphasizing that it is a planning tool, not any guarantee for job provision Prepare annual budget using priorities outlined in the youth database and approach NaCSA and other donors for support Encourage and continue to support productive and enterprising youth initiatives Short - term Short - term On - going On - going 1 - 5 years On - going Number of awareness raising sessions held Streamlined annual budget reflecting youth priorities Promoted number of productive and enterprising youth initiatives National Youth Commission Planning for youth support done on ad hoc basis than being informed by a comprehensive database Omission of commercial sex workers, ghetto “ pushers ” and various other disadvantaged groups from youth support Institutionalize an annual database registration of all youths and involve all disadvantaged and the most vulnerable groups as beneficiary for a ll youth support Undertake zonal - ground mapping of all locations where youths are found in a particular location Send officials to register youths in their locations detailing their employment (needs) status and nature of support they will embrace Publ ish list of registered youths in their locality for verification and inclusion of those not included Conduct frank awareness Quick - win Short - term Short - term National Youth Commission CSOs Ditto Translated map of youths displayed in communities Synchronised youth register in place and used for planning Published list of youths

5. 5 5 SIERRA LEONE IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN FOR THE NATIONAL ANTI - CORRUPTION STRATEGY (2014 - 2018) accountability; giving priority to achievable, early, low cost actions which can demonstrate prompt a nd visible results ("quick wins"); • "Scale quickly ” i.e. build on early success by expanding from these quick wins to e nsure the adoption of effective reforms by other integrity pillars. Change management strategies and approaches tailored to the context, w ill enable rapid and sustainable change. Thus, it is critical that we agree and successfully implement quick wins within the first six months. Other priority short - term actions will follow during the first year, even during the first six months. These wi ll be reinforced by institutional and legal reforms, to be implemented over 1 to 5 years. REVISION OF THE STRATEGY The ACC shall revise the Implementation Action Plan after first two years of implementation in accordance with new priorities and needs for inclusion of bigger number of institutions in implementation of the Strategy. IMPLEMENTATION MECHANISM Implementation of the Strategy is the responsibility of the stakeholders earmarked in the Implementation Action Plan. However the focal point will be the Implementation Committee, which should be established and headed by Chairman, His Excellency the President. ACC will operate as the secretariat in coordinating the Committee. The structure of the committee is given below: COMPOSITION OF IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE Representatives of the following: Public Sector Private Sector Media Civil Society NGOs Academia SHAREHOLDERS TASKS OF IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE ∑ Monitor the implementation process ∑ Review implementation process IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE ACC NACS SECRETARIAT TO ACT AS SECRETARY AND COORDINATOR TO THE COMMITTEE

10. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 10 10 declaration monitor asset declaration by legislators effectively Civil Society Parliament disclosure system in place President, Ministers, Party leaders and Parliamentarians to make asset declarationspublic Quick - win Executive ACC Political Parties Parliament Civil Society Ditto Customised r andom publication of declared assets Ineffective Standing Committees Strengthen standing committees by reviewing their roles, functions and authority Committee ’ s proceedings should be opened to the public Quick win Parliament Ditto Percentage of public representation at parliamentary committee proceedings 3 Judiciary To reform the judiciary and legal system, especially court officials and the legal profession, to eliminate the pervasive culture of corruption as widely perceived. The courts and legal system must quickly change from being a major contributor to the problem of corruption to become a significant agent for its elimination. Complicated and ambiguous laws, rules and procedures Simplify and consolidate laws, rules and procedures Undertake review of all laws, rules and procedures, removing the redundant and archaic rules and modernise, simplifyand standardise procedures 1 - 5 years Judiciary Law Reform Commission ACC Ditto Modernized laws, rules and procedures in place Collate all relevant laws, rules and procedures in accessible document s based on subject and translated in to local languages 1 - 5 years Law Reform Commission Judiciary Ditto Collated laws and translated in local languages To c reating preconditions for the suppression of corruption at all levels Legal and Judicial framework failing to deliver justice Holistic reforms of legal and judicial framework Lend support to, and expedite as well as implement Judicial reforms Short - term Judiciary Legal Council ACC Bar Association Ditto Level of application for o perational judicial reforms Low quality of legal education and the lack of opportunities and facilities for legal education and Raise the standard of legal education Establish centre of excellence for legal training, higher education and comparative study of 1 - 5 years GoSL Judiciary Legal Council Ditto Established and operationalized centre

8. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 8 8 Specific, widely publicised,pledge by leaders of political parties to ensure effective,discipline, investigation and prosecution of party members 1 - 5 years Political parties PPRC Civil society Ditto Published political party pledges Number of pledges circulated and discussed across communities Too much activities in the hand of the Government ̧ Encourage Public - Private Partnership. ̧ Withdrawal of the non - core areas - Enactment of the PPP law - Publication of the PPP procedure guidelines - Signing of Integrity Pacts for PPP contracts - Review public enterprises and non - core government activity against pre - determined criteria to determine their future roles, functions and forms Quick win Office of the Chief of staff Law Reform Commission Attorney General Parliament Chamber of Commerce Donors Civil Society Ditto PPP Law operationalized and published Private Sector partnership fully developed Review and monitor the PPP timetable as a tool to finance AfP. Quick win Office of the Chief of Staff Chamber of Commerce Ditto Progress reports on PPP processes Ensure a level playing field between private and public sector entities. Quick win Office of the Chief of Staff Chamber of Commerce Ditto Forum for regular public/private sector consultation established Review and repeal, where necessary, rules, regulations and procedures falling within a particular description, unless specific areas havebeen identified and justified to an impartial and competent committeeresponsible for its scrutiny Short - term Office of the Chief Staff Law Reform Commission Attorney General Parliament Chamber of Commerce Ditto Modernised and re viewed rules, regulations and procedures

44. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 44 44 and achievementstargets by all senior officials All organisations to publish annual reports giving performance against planned Years annual objective Quick - win On - going HRMO Ditto Annual performance appraisals developed and utilised Lack of meritocracy in some recruitment Meritocracy in all recruitment Introduce transparency and strict compliance with rules in all recruitments Quick - win On - going PSC Ditto Transparent and professional recruitment systems in place Public Service Commissionto be involved in recruitment to the maximum possibleextent Short - term On - going PSC Ditto Transparent public service recruitment in place Review lateral entry system to determine how it can be reformed to avoid nepotism Short - term HRMO PSC Ditto Revived and reformed systems in place Low salaries expose officials to temptation of corruption Increase pay to living wage. Monetised where possible Increase pay to living wage 1 - 5 years On - going HRMO PSC Ditto Living wage enhanced Adjust pay structures according to nature of the job Short - term On - going PSRU HRMO PSC Ditto Pay structure correlated with nature of the job Prioritise the areas where increase in remuneration can bring about immediate reduction in corruption e.g. Public service delivery, anti - corruption agencies etc. Short - term On - going MDAs PSRU HRMO PSC Ditto Compensation System developed and utilised Review perks and privilegessystem with a view tointroducing monetisation wherever possible Short - term On - going MDAs Ditto Review conducted and action taken from time to time Increase HR autonomy of key institutions, allowing them to optimise staff and remuneration level Short - term On - going MDAs Ditto System for enhanced HR autonomy developed and utilised

40. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 40 40 behavioural change of young generation the role of Government; religious perspective of civil duties CSOs Religious Organisations developed and used Hold competitions for youngsters to identify anti - corruption actions with prizes On - going ACC NACS Ditto Quality of competitions organised Mosque & Churches teaching institutions to propagate the evils of corruption Quick - win ACC IRC Ditto Number of sermons preached in churches and mosques Promote revival of family value through family dialogue and discussion programmes Launch school campaign to encourage children to discuss competition issue with the aim of putting moral pressure on adults. Quick - win On - going ACC NACS Ditto School campaign launched and operational Prepare a standardized mechanism for establishing Situation Reports on Corruption in Sierra Leone on a regular basis and conduct specific risk assessments, surveys, researches and studies based on the results of the Situation Reports on Corruption Short - term On - going ACC NACS Ditto Mechanisms developed and ope rational Launch public campaign to ostracise the corrupt and celebrate the honest Publish loans and tax defaulters; convicts of corruption and other defaulters of state ’ s dues Quick - win On - going NRA Ditto Defaulters named and shamed Develop and implement integrity, transparency and anti - corruption awareness events in schools and universities Short - term ACC ACC NACS Ditto Calendar of events developed and shared with all partners Organize risk assessment - based training on integrity and anti - corruption issues for employees of public sectors most vulnerable to Quick - win On - going ACC NACS CSOs Ditto Training manual and calendar developed and published

23. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 23 23 campaign Confidence building measures for joint Government and CSOs anti - corruption initiatives Quick - win Ministry of Finance CSOs Ditto CSO/Public Sector/ACC Quarterly forum institutionalised Opinion of civil society to be solicited on all importance new legislations Short - term Ministry of Information CSOs NACS Ditto Number of interactions between civil society, Parliament and other public sector entities 13 Business Sector To strengthen legal, institutional, regulatory and governance provisions to reduce opportunities for corruption in the private sector. Low level of integrity and professionalism in the private sector Strong link established between private and public sectors Strengthen the private sector Minimize private - pubic sector links through e - procurement Establishlegislation to prohibit persons involved in corruption from owning or managing companies 1 - 5 year s Ministry of Trade Parliament ACC Attorney General Office of the President Ditto Enacted laws Amend the Penal Code to criminalize bribery in the private sector 1 - 5 years Parliament ACC Attorney General Office of the President Ditto Amended penal code fully operationalized Establish a law on mutual legal assistance to enhance mutual legal assistance on corruption offences, international cooperation and asset recovery 1 - 5 years Parliament ACC Attorney General Office of the President Ditto Harmonised mutual legal assistance and cooperation laws Amend and systematize provisions concerning freezing, seizure and confiscation Short - term ACC Judiciary Parliament Ditto Revised ACC Act Review the legal framework to enable national authorities to freeze, seize and confiscate proceeds of crime based on decisions and convictions of foreign Short - term ACC Parliament Ju diciary Ditto Revised legal framework

41. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 41 41 corruption Publish high taxpayers and celebrate their honesty. On - going ACC NRA Ditto Annual events developed and published Establish cooperation standards for the ACC and media to improveawareness raising on the extent, scale, nature, impacts of corruption and functionality of the anti - corruption measures to enhance the quality of communication Quick - win On - going ACC Media CSOs Ditto Mechanism for cooperation standards developed and shared by all concerned Limited capacity of ACC Enhance ACC capacity including staff, technology and funding ACC to institute training in key areas, notable forensic investigation, collection of evidence, cybercrime 1 - 5 years ACC '' Expertise acquired /trained and effectively utilised Establish training Academy by ACC 1 - 5 years ACC Ditto Training Academy operational Ensure provision of adequate resources On - going ACC Ditto Sustainable resource mobilisation to be put in place Strengthen formal coordination mechanism for case referrals and investigative support Quick - win On - going ACC Judiciary Ditto Mechanism developed and tested Vulnerability of ACC to Corruption Protect ACC staff from temptation and limit opportunities ACC to develop and implement codes of conduct Quick - win ACC Ditto Developed and operationalized codes ACC to develop and implement Anti - corruption policies Short - term 1 - 5 years ACC Ditto ACC policies developed Review internal control procedures to reduce the scope for abuse of power Quick - win ACC Audit Service Ditto Control systems developed Instil professional pride through motivation and qualitative selection and training On - going MDAs Ditto Conducive work environment Periodic integrity testing On - going MDAs Ditto Shared results of integrity testing Effective internal vigilance mechanism On - going MDAs Ditto Mechanism developed

19. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 19 19 Educational requirement set for public office holders Short - term Parliament NEC Ditto Standards established and adhered to Political Parties Act toregulate, and increasetransparency of party Funding as per amendments. Institutionalise a regularcheck and monitoring system Short - term Political parties PPRC Ditto Number of published party accounts 11 Media Toempower the media to play an effective role in representing the people in demanding impartial and clean government, and to act as watchdog over government, highlighting cases of corruption with objectivity and evidence. Media lacks freedom and framework for integrity Reduce possibilities of governmen t interference in the media Low professional capacity of media operators Government commit ted to the independence of the media but for it to be self - regulated Quick - win IMC SLAJ Ministry of Information & Communications Ditto Number of publicised Government commitment Control of Ministry of Information over government advertisements to be deregulated. Each public sector institution to manage its own advertisements and media policy. It may be mandated that a certain percentage of advertisements should be reserved for the local/ regional media Quick - win I MC SLAJ Ministry of Information & Communications Ditto Level of government independence Ensure competition and liberalisation of the media Introduce corporate culture and governance in SLBC/TV to create transparency and accountability Short - term Ministry of Information and Communications SLBC Management Ditto Independent SLBC Effective enfor cement of legislation to avoid creation of monopolies and monopolistic practices Short - term 1 - 5 years I MC SLAJ Ministry of Information & Ditto Competitive environment created

46. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 46 46 Publicise and reward cases of integrity and high performance 1 - 5 years On - going ACC MDAs Ditto Develop framework for integrity awards Absence of modern accountability mechanism Link jobs to MDAs objectives Activity based Job Description or Output Based Job description be introduced in all MDAs Quick - win On - going MDAs HRMO PSC Ditto Job description developed and utilised Effective performance evaluation system Improved performance evaluation system to be rolled out to all MDAs, The system to include objective and target setting; self - assessment; independent evaluation of quantifiable result Short - term On - going ACC MDAs Ditto Evaluation framework developed and implemented Weak implementation of disciplinary procedures indiscipline and lawlessness Strict implementation of existing disciplinary procedure Maintain robust and speedy disciplinary procedures Quick - win On - going ACC MDAs Ditto Disciplined work environment Give disciplinary powers at the middle tier for lower level employees Short - term On - going ACC MDAs Ditto Middle level employees empowered Weak external accountability mechanism Strengthen external accountability principally through transparency and participation Mandatory requirement for MDAs to report against planned objectives, strategies, plan for what is achieve with the given resources Quick - win On - going ACC MDAs Ditto Report framework developed and used Audit Service Sierra Leone Weak Internal controls in MDAs Implement sound internal controls in line with Government Financial Management Regulations; Government Budgeting and Accountability Act and INTOSAI best practice Assign clearer responsibility for internal controls to senior officials of MDAs and each layer of management Quick - win ACC MDAs ASSL Ditto Internal control systems developed and assigned Enact the new Government Budgeting and Accountability Act Short - term ACC MDAs ASSL Ditto Law enacted Increase public sector capacity in Internal controls Conduct refresher session guidance for key public officials incl. Principal Accountants 1 - 5 years MDAs ACC ASSL Ditto Refresher courses developed and implemented Strengthen reporting and Require Senior officials of 1 - 5 years ACC Ditto Risk management

18. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 18 18 prudential regulations to prevent deposits in accounts. Enforce control on money transfers and remittances not made from bank accounts to bank accounts Quick - win Bank of Sierra Leone Ditto Stringent control measures developed and operationalized Anti - money laundering requires the reporting of suspicious transactions by all Banks Develop a mechanism for the reporting of suspicious transactions Quick - win Bank of Sierra Leone Ditto Operationalized mechanisms Prosecute and apprehend all unauthorised money changers Quick - win ACC Police Bank of Sierra Leone Attorney General Ditto Effective prosecutions secured Enact law s to stop money transfer by money changers on behalf of customers 1 - 5 years Parliament Police Bank of Sierra Leone Attorney General Ditto Level of compliance on new money - transfer laws Develop mechanisms for non - bank financial institutions and designated non - financial businesses and professions to avert cases of suspicious transactions Short - term FIU ICASL Business Sector Ditto Relevance of mechanisms developed 10 Political Parties Undemocratic and non - transparent political parties and political systems Introduce democratic process transparency and accountability Amend the Political Parties Registration Act to give enforcement to internal elections requirements 1 - 5 years Law Reform Commission Attorney General Parliament ACC PPRC Political Parties Ditto Harmonised new laws in place

7. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication National Integrity System Pillars - Executive 1 To ensure a ssertion of the zero tolerance approach to corruption To ensure operationalization of zero tolerance for corruption Lack of political will and leadership undermines the credibility of NACS Demonstrate political leadership and commitment to NACS H.E the President should set the tone at the top and cascade to the Cabinet Ministers, Chief Justice, key political figures and the private sector Quick Win (within the first 6 months) Office of the President, Cabinet Ministers , Political party leaders Heads of MDAs & Private sector institutional heads To be determined - Pe rcentage of resources allocated to Anti - Corruption Agencies - Buy - in to NACS by all agencies and o pposition parties Party leaders , key political figures to make specific public pledges against corruption in election campaign and thereafter Short - term action (Within one year ) Office of the President Political parties PPRC NEC Ditto Percentage of anti - corruption pledges signed Number of anti - corruption pledges made public Media to encourage debate on corruption issues in the run up to the election 1 - 5 years SLAJ IMC Civil Society /NGO Political parties PPRC NEC Ditto National forum for debating anti - corruption issues established in all regions Number of anti - corruption debates To improve the legal and institutional framework for the efficient and systematic suppression of corruption Forge political will and leadership amongst broad coalition of leaders, Heads of MDAs NACS workshops should be held in F/town , provincial and districts to strengthen role of media, civil society, private sector and MDAs Short - term Office of the President, Cabinet Ministers, Political party leaders Heads of MDAs Ditto Timetable for collaborative workshops and workshops reports produced N umber of consultations among broad coalition Political parties to develop mechanism for dealing with public officials , party members accused ofcorruption Short - term PPRC Political parties Civil society Ditto Party anti - corruption party mechanisms developed and made public Implement strictly Political Parties Act requirement for audit of party account s 1 - 5 years PPRC Political parties Civil society Ditto Publication of party accounts Regular update on application of political party financing laws

33. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 33 33 for the efficient and systematic suppression of corruption inadequate education budgets result in overcrowded classrooms , lower standards and crumbling schools, or no schools at all educational resources gradually phasing out the double - shift system to reduce overcrowding Create more classroom facilities Train more teachers and improve salaries and other incentives On - going Improved learning environment Provide the infrastructure to avoid overcrowding On - going Ministry of Education Ditto Percentage of schools decongested Books and supplies are sometimes sold instead of being given free to pupils Put in place internal control and effective monitoring mechanism Establish c onfidential complaint channels to report suspected corruption without fear of retaliation. 2014 On - going Ministry of Education ACC Ditto Number of confidential channels established and utilised Schools and universities also ‘ sell ’ school places or charge unauthorised fees, forcing students (usually girls) to drop out. Continuous monitoring of school authorities to ensure that u nauthorized fees are not charged. Provide appropriate logistics for frequent monitoring of all learning institutions National, district and school and university budgets need to be published in detail so that we can monitor how resources are allocated Qu ick - win On - going Ministry of Education Ditto Published budgets in place at all educational levels Create and push for exam regulations to be widely published. And we must monitor grading, so students won ’ t have to buy their way to good marks. On - going Ministry of Education Ditto Regularity of monitoring published regulations Extent of enforcing sanctions against defaulters Teachers and lecturers are appointed through family connections, without qualifications Open and transparent process to recruit teachers should be adopted Commitment to high quality education that ’ s available to all. On - going Ministry of Education Ditto Universal high quality education No teacher should be appointed without proof of their qualifications and experience Quick - win On - going Ministry of Education Ditto Effective vetting system in place Grades can be bought, while teachers force students to pay for tuition outside of class. Regular external audits must take place to detect and deter fraud Clear regulations controlling education finance and management. These give guidelines on new schools, exam processes and fees. Quick - win On - going Ministry of Education Ditto Regulation developed and operationalized Environmental Protection

35. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 35 35 for the efficient and systematic suppression of corruption of taxes - reduce the number of taxes to reduce the opportunities for intrusion, reduce discretion and simplify procedures popularised to create an effective strategic platform for the prudent and accountable management of public resources and deny officials the opportunity to conceal corruption Lack of Enhanced improvement and roll - out of the Integrated public financial management to MDAs Strengthen the integrated public financial management systems Undertake realistic budgeting Boost more on domestic and external sources Roll - out to Key MDAs Carryout comprehensive analysis of sources and circumstances 1 - 5 years 1 - 5 years On - going Ministry of Finance Ditto Ditto Realistic budget framework developed and used Bank of Sierra Leone Lack of proper governance in the management of the Commercial Banks Strengthen the Governance framework Synchronise the Board ’ s member tenure with the Bank of Sierra Leone Prudential Guidelines Short - term BSL Ditto Tenure defined and adhered to Avoid unjustifiable depreciation of the Leone Address supply side constraints of foreign exchange Revise monetary policy formulation Management to ensure low inflation and exchange rate Make it mandatory for an Independent firm to form an opinion on the effectiveness of the board in the discharge of its functions to be included in their Annual report Short - term On - going BSL Ditto Depoliticised appointment of Board members to enhance quality PILLAR 5 Ministry of Youth Planning for youth support done on ad hoc basis than being informed by a comprehensive database Omission of commercial sex workers, ghetto “ pushers ” and various other disadvantaged groups from youth support Institutionalize an annual database registration of all youths and involve all disadvantaged and the most vulnerable groups as beneficiary for all youth support Undertake zonal - ground mapping of all locations where youths are found in a particular locatio n Send officials to register youths in their locations detailing their employment (needs) status and nature of support they will embrace Publish list of registered youths in their locality for verification and inclusion Quick - win Short - term Ministry of Youths CSOs NaCSA Ditto Translated map of youths displayed in communities Synchronised youth register in place and used for planning Published list of youths

66. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 66 66 Organize sensitization workshops for drivers, boat owners/captains and SLMA guards/SLRTA Wardens on the revised safety standards Short - term On - going SLMA SLRTA MTA Ditto Nature of workshop attendance and extent of personnel responsiveness Regularly monitor the use of life jackets and impose heavy fines on defaulters On - going SLMA MTA Ditto Number and regularity of monitoring reports Number of defaulters penalised To maximize revenue generation and secure its safety for Government Diversion of valuable resources by Traffic Wardens in connivance with Bank officials Only pre - numbered and countersigned receipts are issued for all SLRTC fines by bank officials All payment receipts from the bank be taken to the nearest SLRTC office for entry b On - going SLRTA MTA Ditto Detailed entry of all SLRTC bank payment of fines Monthly reconciliation of all bank payments with SLRTC entries and submission to MTA On - going SLRTA MTA Ditto Number and accuracy of reconciled reports Full compliance with provisions of the SRTA Act, as amended Blatant disregard for provisions of the SRTA Act, as amended Organize a refresher course for all Traffic Wardens on the Act Maintain an updated electronic database of vehicle registration On - going SLRTA Ditto Accuracy of updated vehicle registration database Traffic Wardens to only issue tickets, invite police presence, clamp or toe vehicle based on provisions of the Act Quick - win SLRTA Ditto Level of compliance with the Act Daily monitoring of compliance with the Act by Traffic Wardens and other SLRTA officials On - going SLRTA Ditto Nature of actions taken on monitoring findings Daily monitoring of the process of issuing licenses, permits and all services provided by the Authority On - going SLRTA Ditto Number of monitoring reports and nature of actions taken on defaulters Sanitized environment and ease of facilitators around the airport vicinity Poorly kept toilets with little or water supply and too many facilitators overcrowding the cargo freight - shed Routine maintenance of facilities and drastic reduction of facilitators Assign staff to check and clean toilets every two hours and promptly report damages and water or hand wash shortages On - going SLAA Ditto Responsiveness of staff assigned and maintenance promptness Only a sizeable number of authorised personnel are allowed to be around the cargo freight - shed area On - going SLAA Ditto Significant reduction of facilitators enhanced

16. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 16 16 headquarter towns (Bo, Kenema & Makeni) issuance equipment Improve turnover time for processing and delivery of ID cards to citizens living outside Freetown and regional headquarter towns 1 - 5 years On - going NRS Ditto Improved turnover time for issuance of ID cards To ensure that NRS undertake proper verification of all supporting documents for the issuance of ID cards Weak verification of citizens applying for ID cards risks multiple issuance to the same individual using different name and information Maintain an updated electronic database of all citizens issued with national ID cards Quick - win On - going NRS Ditto Accuracy of updated database Establish a strategic partnership with Immigrations and Births & Deaths departments for proper verification of all supporting documents Quick - win NRS Immigrations Births & Deaths Ditto Level of collaboration between NRS & Births & Deaths/Immigrations 8 To rejuvenate the public accountability bodies, enhancing their capacity to hold the government accountable for its stewardship for use of public resources, and for its performance. Anti - Corruption Agencies Effective and efficient mainstreaming of anti - corruption initiatives Lack of effective mainstreaming Strengthen the mainstreaming framework Amend the legal framework to enable national relevant anti - corruption authorities ’ to exchange information effectively 1 - 5 years Judiciary Attorney General ACC Law Reform Commission Ditto Published Anti - corruption information exchange framework Reviewthe legal framework to enable national relevant anti - corruption authorities to exchange information with their foreign counterparts 1 - 5 years Judiciary Attorney General ACC Law Reform Commission Donors Ditto Reviewed and modernised legal anti - corruption framework Review the legal 1 - 5 years Judiciary Ditto Reviewed and

6. 6 6 SIERRA LEONE IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN FOR THE NATIONAL ANTI - CORRUPTION STRATEGY (2014 - 2018) ∑ Provide guidance for improvement ∑ Interact with the stakeholders to provide expert advice PROCEDURE OF IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE ∑ Chairman shall be His Excellency the President, such function may be delegated. ∑ Committee to meet quarterly in the year ∑ Members of private sector / civil society to be co - opted as per agenda of the meeting IMPLEMENTATION RISKS 1) Slow establishment and inefficient functioning o f MDAs, along with not securing adequate human and material resources. 2) Interference of politics in the functioning and operating of MDAs and other bodies relevant for combating corruption and Strategy implementation. 3) Failure of institutions listed as imp lementing agents in meeting the commitments envisaged by the Strategy. 4) Lack of structure and procedures for policy coordination at a the central level. 5) Lack of mechanism for monitoring and evaluation of the results of the activities foreseen in the Strategy. 6) Inconsistency in the implementation of the anticorruption policies. 7) Obstacles regarding coordination and cooperation between the Agency and authori ties at all levels. 8) Slow/lack of harmonization of national legislation with international instruments and standards in set time frames. CONCLUSION This Implementation Action Plan is based on a thorough analysis and risk assessment and not only on percept ion or evaluation by international actors. However, each institution, sector or profession has its own tasks, while particular responsibility lies with law enforcement and prosecution authorities, as well as judicial bodies whose consistent commitment and performance are of crucial importance for success in fighting corruption in Sierra Leone. In order to be successful, implementation of the Strategy must be tackled seriously, and ensure political will and financial commitment of the Government of Sierra Le one. In this endeavour, appropriate funding from international partners may be sought. RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NACS The Implementation Action Plan (IAP) will indicate the type of measure and that will determine who will implement it. Firstly , each MDA will undertake their own specific "institutional strengthening", implementing measures specified in the implementation p lan. Secondly , all MDAs will be expected to implement a range of systemic "institutional anti - corruption measures", tailored to their own institutions, as set out in the strategy and implementation Action plan for all parts of the government. These measure s will include adoption and monitoring of codes of conduct, asset declaration/monitoring, complaint - redressed systems, and engineering out opportunities for corruption by business process re - engineering. Support may be provided for this implementation, bu t implementation will be by the relevant institutions. Thirdly, a number of bodies across all the national integrity pillars will implement "cross cutting pillar strengthening measures", most usually for their pillar or sector, although the government will obviously develop cross - sectoral measures such as legislative proposals .

11. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 11 11 research law. ACC Bar Association Regulation for private sector legal education 1 - 5 years Judiciary Legal Council ACC Bar Association Ditto Established and operational regulation for Private Sector Legal Education Modernise legal education through revision of curricula Short - term Law School Ditto Revised and modernised law curricula taught in university and Law School Intensifying anti - corruption training programmes Lack of professionalism, regulation and accountability in the profession Increase professionalism and accountability in the Legal profession. Stringent Bar Examination and Professional training be developed for those qualifying to practice law 1 - 5 years Law School Ditto Internationally accepted standards established Set up legal research institute in the Country 1 - 5 years Judiciary Legal Council Ditto Quality of Legal Research Institute established Set up a revised codes of conduct for lawyers as well mechanism for implementation and enforcement Short - term Judiciary Ditto Level of enforcement of u pdated Code of Conduct for Lawyers Make certification and continuation subject to strict professional supervision by High courts 1 - 5 years Judiciary Legal Council Ditto Minimum international standards established Allow international law firms and lawyers to set up law offices and practice law in Sierra Leone 1 - 5 years Attorney General Judiciary Ditto Nature of openness of Sierra Leone ’ s l aw practice open to international firms Prevent interference of political parties and vested interests in the profession . Make it part of code of conduct and then ensure its implementation Short - term GoSL Political parties Attorney General Ditto Number of political pledges and reliability of commitment to judicial independence (I) Strict implementation of the Legal Practitioners Act, and Bar Councils Act, (ii) Make code of conduct in accordance with 'Basic 1 - 5 years Judiciary Parliament Attorney General Ditto Laws adhered to and strictly implemented

22. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 22 22 National Telecommunications Communications Commission (NATCOM) To ensure that the services provided by mobile network providers meet the need of customers and are efficient Weak supervision of mobile network service providers leads to extortion of the general populace Undertake close supportive supervision of all mobile service providers and track their activities on a daily basis Train more technical staff on tracking and monitoring mobile communications, billing and quality of network Short - term On - going NATCOM Ditto Number of technical staff trained on mobile communication monitoring Assign network providers to a number of trained staff and oblige them to report regularly Short - term NATCOM Number and regularity of reports submitted by staff Enforce sanctions on breaches by mobile network service providers and ensure that their billing system reflects international standards of MINUTES the current UNITS billing system On - going Short - term NATCOM Ditto Level of enforcing sanctions on mobile service providers Responsiveness of revised billing to international standards To promote auto - regulation and protect the credibility of citizens and the state against cyber bullies and other related online crimes No laws covering auto - regulation by internet service providers Develop database and enforce mandatory registration of all internet service providers and subject them to a set of guidelines regarding acceptable and unacceptable contents Undertake a comprehensive registration of all internet service providers in Sierra Leone Quick - win NATCOM Ditto Updated database of internet service providers Develop and publish guidelines for auto - regulation and general online service provision Quick - win NATCOM Ditto Effectiveness of published online guidelines 12 Civil Society To create a robust and independent civil society, which demands clean government, and therefore, to create social revulsi on and resistance to corruption Weak civil society Political influence in the work of civil society Inadequate funding for civil society organizations S trengthen civil society and Government coalition against corruption Maintain independence and provide regular funding for civil society Creation of specialist civil society action coalition to develop CSOs with support from ACC , government and donors Short - term CSOs ACC Donors Ministry of Finance Ditto Established c oalition of CSOs for Social Accountability CSOs and Government forge working partnership. Launching with high profile joint initiation like integrity pacts, awareness Short - term CSOs ACC Ministry of Finance Ditto Strengthened Social Accountability

24. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 24 24 authorities even if the decisions and convictionsare not yet final PILLARS IN THE AGENDA FOR PROSPERITY Promoting Inclusive Growth PILLAR 1 To improve cooperation between state bodies/actors competent for the implementation of the strategy Weak institutions are aiding to cripple the economy uncoordinated activities of state bodies /actors. Weak capacity. Inadequate financial resources. Strengthen the institution capacity and systems Improve adequate budget. - Technologies, including case management systems; - Publishing and disseminating judicial decisions; - Raising salaries; - Strengthening legal education, including anti - corruption - Supporting professional associations (lawyers and judges associations); - Developing ethics regimes and standards for justice sector employees; - Enhancing citizen awareness of rights and court procedures; and - Establishing complaints mechanisms for reporting corruption. 1 - 5 years Judiciary ACC AG ’ s Office To be determined Framework and systems in place and operational Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security Smuggling of food to neighbouring countries Provide access to markets in the Country and encourage private sector to take over marketing of agricultural products Short - term MAF FS Ditto Percentage of private sector investors venturing into the market To increase the productivity and strengthen the Ministry ’ s maintenance culture of the ministry Ineffective monitoring of agricultural activities, weak implementation of logging regulations and mismanagement of agricultural equipment and seeds Prevent duplication of agricultural activities supported by NGOs, ensure seed that new beneficiaries benefit from revolving seed loans and agricultural equipment are judiciously managed Regularize update of the ministry ’ s asset register and intensify management inspection of assets, compliance to vehicle and the equipment use logging Quick - win MAFFS Ditto Regularity of u pdated asset register

47. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 47 47 monitoring of control environment MDAs to undertake formal Risk management assessment yearly and report MDAs ASSL assessment framework developed and used Focus on implementing controls in High Risk Sectors or Institutions Separate function amongst Anti - Corruption Agencies, deconcentrate and rationalisation of function 1 - 5 years On - going ACC ASSL Ditto Identify and assessment of functions in line with comparative advantage National Public Procurement Authority To reform the supply/demand nexus in the area of development, procurement and contracting. This means a zero tolerance attitude on the part of the donor agencies, reducing the need and willingness of bidders to offer bribes and kickbacks and reducing the opportunities for officials to demand them. Absence of repository of procurement experts in government Develop procurement expertise and promote as a specialist discipline within government Train and encourage University to imbibe procurement as part of their curricula Short - term On - going NPPA ACC NACS Ditto Training module developed and used Weak and ambiguous procurement laws, rules and procedures Revise and create standards, coherent and transparent set of laws, rules and procedures NPPA to establish timetable to review the current Act and regulation 1 - 5 years NPPA Ditto Time table developed Ensure that new law and regulation facilitate fair competition, transparency and public participation. High value and high profile procurement above Le 1 billion to be based on integrity pacts. This is to serve as a model to be included in the revised Act Quick - win NPPA CSO Ditto Revised Act takes on - board integrity pacts Foreign Government and Multi - national companies encourage or fail to prevent corruption Build the willingness, capacity and confidence of Foreign government/ multi - national agencies to fight corruption Provide the support and impetus for the coalition of multi - donors to convene and implement the OECD Convention to combat Bribery of Foreign Public Official. The coalition to meet regularly to determine ways to reduce corruption in procurement 1 - 5 years NPPA Donor Partners Ditto Coalition created and operat ionalized Members of the coalition to sign integrity pacts 1 - 5 years NPPA Ditto Integrity pact signed and adhered to

13. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 13 13 participation of the judiciary and create effective monitoring mechanism Attorney General ethics/conduct guiding judicial procedures Strengthen monitoring of declaration of assets and incomes of judges Short - term GoSL Attorney General Ditto Effective monitoring mechanism in place Intensify rules in case of periodic bar on appointment to an executive post 1 - 5 years Judiciary Ditto Rules are respected and adhered to Maintain an independent Accounting System with its own budgeting system Short - term Ministry of Finance Ditto Independent accounting system operationalized Lack Judicial Independence Enhance Judicial independence Prolong Ad hoc appointment must be done away with 1 - 5 years Judiciary Ditto Regularised judicial appointments Poor working conditions and lack of modern management system in Judicial support functions Introduce modern court management and case management in Judicial system function Develop high court specific plan to professionalise its management Short - term Judiciary Attorney General Ditto Quality of professional high court management plan Lack of experienced Judges on Corruption cases and slow progress on corruption matters in court Build the capacity and the infrastructure of the courts Establish a special court for corruption cases within the judiciary as a “ fast - track court ” and train staff on corruption proceedings 1 - 5 years Judiciary Attorney General ACC Ditto Specialised fast - track court full y operationalized Approach donors and the GoSL for funding to train judges, lawyers & other court staff on anti - corruption 1 - 5 years Judiciary ACC Ditto Quantum of s ecured funding 4 Public Sector Lack of modernisation of the public sect or administration Introduce new modern techniques in public sector administration Introduction of the model of E - government and E - governing, in order to minimize possibility of corruption between citizens and public services. Some of these measures include: • E - transparency – access to information/laws via Internet and websites for all government institutions at all levels in BiH; 1 - 5 years GoSL MDAs Development partners Ditto Enhanced automation for routine work in all MDAs in place E - Governance fully operationalized

50. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 50 50 Gender & Children Affairs To increase women ’ s participation and representation in decision - making and leadership in the public sector, including security and local council, and private sector Entrenched patriarchy, cultural beliefs and practices remain a hindrance to advancement of women and g irls Increase the number of women appointment to management positions meeting the AAP threshold of 30% representation in the public sector and the security and private sectors as well as local council Enact the minimum 30% quota for women to include the establishment of the National Women ’ s Commission 1 - 5 years MSWGCA Parliament CSOs NGOs Ditto Number of women appointed to senior management level positions in the public sector and local councils Strengthen the coordination and capacity for gender mainstreaming and policy implementation by the National Gender Machinery Short - term On - going MSWGCA CSOs Ditto Gender mainstreamed into Minister ’ s Performance Contract Develop a comprehensive National Gender Policy Short - term MSWGCA Ditto Number of gender - sensitive policies, action plans, laws and regulations approved To ensure the full domestication of international and regional instruments such as CEDAW, AU Protocol and institute a conducive business environment for women through greater access to finance and capacity development Slow pace of domesticating internatio nal treaties and weak business environment for women ’ s groups To strengthen prevention and response mechanisms to violence against women and girls and enhance a conducive business environment for women Enactment and strict enforcement of laws against domestic violence on women; underage initiation rites of passage for girls On - going MSWGCA Law Reform Commission Parliament CSOs Ditto Number of reported cases of domestic violence, rape, sexual ass ault and reduced underage initiation/rites of passage for girls Establish a women ’ s empowerment fund specifically for education, promoting female entrepreneurship and political participation Short - term On - going MSWGCA Donors Ministry of Finance CSOS Mining companies Ditto Percentage of available credit, financial and technical support services going to women/men from government and non - government sources Number of female led businesses in the energy sector Number of CS R - based partnerships targeting women ’ s access to finance and capacity development

59. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 59 59 publication of all council asset declarations and reprimand those who fail to declare On - going Quick - win On - going Number of published declarations Revive and strengthen the (Provincial Coordinating Committee (PCC) to be fully functional Ineffective Provincial Coordinating Committee Restructure and provide support to a functional PCC Reconstitute all PCCs nationwide Quick - win Ministry of Local Government Provincial Secretary ’ s Office Ditto Efficacy of reconstituted PCC Ministry of Energy Supportive supervision provided to NPA and ensuring that power generation, distribution and marketing are gradually separated Aging (40 years old) lines are gradually replaced with new connections Unclear and less collaborative strides between the Ministry and NPA in the generation, distribution and marketing of electricity leading to extortions by Independent Power Producers (IPP) Weak supervision responsibilities Review the Energy Policy to reflect the peoples aspirations by reducing the monopoly functions of IPPs and ensuring that NPA sells only the quantum of electricity it buys from IPP Strict adherence to procurement rules and regulations for NPA meters, transformers and other equipment Engage with IPPs to ensure that the cost of electrici ty per unit is not escalated to the advantage of IPP but rather reflects the country ’ s energy priorities Regular sensitization of the general public on the cost of unit for electricity bought by NPA from IPPs Facilitate the gradual “ unbundling ” of NPA a nd open space for more IPPs Develop a modernization plan for replacing the 40 years old Freetown cable network and infuse cost in annual budget by phazes Quick - win On - going Short - term On - going Quick - win On - going 1 - 5 years Ministry of Energy NPA NPPA ACC CSO Ditto Published reports of strict adherence to standard procurement practices Realistic cost of electricity charged in accordance with the country ’ s energy priorities Frequency of updated messages on cost of unit for electricity Published unbundling plan and pace of adherence to timelines Published modernizationplan and pace of adherence to

48. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 48 48 monitored by CSO CSOs Donor Partners Create a system to enable blacklisting of companies breaching the integrity pacts or involving in corrupt practices Quick - win NPPA ACC Ditto Systems created and working Develop Government policies to pursue and prosecute Foreign bribers 2014 On - going ACC NPPA Ditto Policy framework developed and operationalized Honest bidders disadvantaged from participating in bidding process Reform and revised procedures and practice to incentivise wider group of bidders GoSL through NPPA to put in place arrangements to guarantee swift payment of consultants and contractors Short - term On - going NPPA Ministry of Finance Ditto Framework developed and operationalized Introduce system of milestone payment to release payment to consultants and contractors Short - term NPPA MDAs Ditto Payment system developed and applied Low competence, integrity and professionalism of procurement staff Build capacity of procurement staff to withstand corruption Professional training in procurement and contract management On - going NPPA MDAs Ditto Training module developed and utilized Introduce integrity sting for procurement staff Quick - win NPPA MDAs Ditto System designed and applied Monitor procurement staff through assets declaration On - going NPPA ACC Ditto Monitoring mechanisms and reports/findings discussed and disseminated PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT On - going Financial Management reforms endangered by capacity weakness Invest in financial management capacity building Continuous IT and financial management training to all finance staff especially those in the district On - going Ministry of Finance Donors Ditto Number of trained finance staff Roll - out reforms to the provinces and districts On - going Ministry of Finance Donors Ditto Percentage of reforms rolled out to the regions and districts Activity based budgeting not linked to objective and output Transition to performance based budgeting. Development or review of meaningful mission, vision, objectives, output, performance indicators, Short - term Ministry of Finance Donors Ditto Number of revised MDA strategic plans

57. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 57 57 foreign nationals CSOs Ministry of Foreign Affairs ACC NPPA Foreign Embassies and High Commissions involving foreign nationals All Foreign companies operating in Sierra Leone to have Code of Conduct, Good Governance Corporate policies, including no bribery provisions in Overseas conformity with US Foreign, Corrupt Practices Act and the OECD Convention etc. Short - tem SLANGO INGOs CSOs Ministry of Foreign Affairs ACC NPPA Foreign Embassies and High Commissions Ditto Number of foreign companies with functional codes of conduct bearing e lements of no - bribery and relevant anti - corruption provisions Ministry of Sports Ensure that Sierra Leone sporting facilities are efficiently managed Local sports is fully supported and promoted Opportunities for international representations are improved and sustained Improper management of stadium facilities, weak local sporting standards and poor performance of Sierra Leone ’ s sporting teams on international fronts Collaborative management of sporting facilities and periodic monitoring of funding proposals and budgets Evict all illegal occupants from stadium hostels and its environs Share monthly financial income and expenditure of the use of stadium facility with ACC, the media and civil society on a quarterly basis Develop project proposals for optimum support to local sports targeting multinationals, mining companies, & other big enterprises, FIFA as well as other international funding avenues Quick - win Quick - win Short - term On - going Ministry of Youths CSOs Ministry of Finance Sierra Leone Police Ditto Number of illegal occupants evicted Frequency of updated monthly financial income shared with ACC and other relevant partners Number of successful project proposal d eveloped and funding secured

64. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 64 64 maintaining operational independence for offices and personnel outside the Freetown headquarters procurement/supplies seriously stifles regional and district operations and build mistrust services for equipment to regional offices responsibilities for regional logistics and maintenance of equipment to offices in the periphery RSLF Prisons Fire Force ONS transfer procurement functions to regional offices Identify legitimate businesses for the supply of logistics and provision of maintenance services to offices outside headquarters Quick - win SLP RSLF Prisons Fire Force ONS Ditto Number of legitimate businesses identified and approached for regional decen tralised services To improve the effectiveness of security sector personnel and broaden their expertise with emerging equipment Inadequate capacity building programmes for the operational wing of the security sector and lack of modern equipment Increased budgetary allocation to the security sector for capacity building and procurement of modernized equipment Prepare a list of suitable courses offered locally and internationally especially for middle - cadre personnel engaged in operations Quick - wi n SLP RSLF Prisons Fire Force ONS Ditto List of suitable courses for security sector Build the cost for such trainings in the 2015 annual budget as a priority line item and engage the Ministry of Finance and donors for support Short - term SLP RSLF Prisons Fire Force ONS Ditto Number of trainings costed and included in the 2015 annual budget for the security sector Execute training plan as prepared 1 - 5 years SLP RSLF Prisons Fire Force ONS Ditto Number of personnel trained in modern security operations and provided with logistics National Commission for Privatisation To improve bidding environment for all competitive solicitations Non transparent bidding procedures for competitive solicitation of bids Strict adherence to NPPA bidding procedures for all competitive solicitations Publish and disseminate bidding procedures and ensure that they are fully complied with Quick - win On - going NCP Ditto Number and extent of publications & dissemination of bidding procedures Develop and publish guidelines for safeguards against botched bidding processes Quick - win NCP Ditto Usefulness of guidelines developed and published To prevent NCP micro - manage PEs and thereby undermine their efficacy Interference with the day - to - day running of most public enterprises supervised by NCP and undue delay in reforming Prudential Enterprise (PEs) and privatising them Ensure arms - length supervision of Prudential Enterprises Limit direct interference into the operations of PEs by developing a framework for engagement through checks and balances Quick - win NCP Ditto Adherence to engagement framework Develop a comprehensive Short - term NCP Ditto Updated privatization

42. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 42 42 Introduce special investigative technique of “ fictitious bribery ” as an investigative tool for criminal procedures under the authority of prosecution service or judiciary, fully respecting prohibition of entrapment and safeguards for human rights of persons against which the method would be applied 1 - 5 years ACC Police Judiciary Ditto Techniques developed and tested Public Sector Reform Unit To eliminate corruption through creating a motivated, meritocratic, performance driven, professional civil service, resistant to the temptations of corruption, due to integrity and pride in the delivery of service, and the fear of detection and punishment – promote simple and transparent organisations and management structures. Oversized civil Service at the Shop floor (low level) Implementation of the GoSL ’ s Multi - Year Public Sector pay Reform Strategy (2011 - 2015) Expedite the civil service proposal for approval and implementation Short - term 1 - 5 years PSC HRMO Ditto New Civil Service System in place Expedite the proposal for rightsizing and Restructuring recommendations based on the functional and management review recommendations Short - term 1 - 5 years PSC HRMO Ditto Right - sized civil society in place Rightsizing target to be set and the implementation to be rolled out to the provinces Short - term On - going HRMO PSC Ditto Risk systems applied countrywide To provide efficient, effective and transparent public services which do not force customers to pay bribes, and promote accountability for the public in the event of any Strengthen civil service management Introduce modern HR management systems and build capacity for management of the system in the HRMO 2015 - On - going HRMO Ditto Modern management systems in place

51. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 51 51 Establishment of a mandatory free tuition from primary to senior secondary school for girls and coordinate implementation of the multi - sectoral strategy to reduce teenage pregnancy Short - term On - going MSWGCA Civil society Ditto Number of girls complet ing primary and secondary schools Level of access to higher education and lifelong learning proved for women Decreased teenage pregnancy and gender - sensitive institutional mechanisms strengthened OTHERS SUB - REGIONAL GOVT OR LOCAL GOVT To establish local government as an effective system of grass roots governance where accountability and participation mechanisms form the backbone of a corruption - free environment for the delivery of public services. Weak accountability of Local Government Executive to local participation Evolve performance evaluation and accountability system Create systems and processes to generate information which can form basis of accountability including performance indicators of MDAs 2014 On - going LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils Ditto Increased local government accountability Weak expertise especially in the management of developmentprojects Continuing in project management to ensure ownership and responsibility and build capacity for implementation Strengthen project implementation through specialised external training; improve remuneration and inspire staff retention On - going LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils CSOs Ditto Number of completed project/coun cil core staff trained on strategic project implementation Absence of key management arrangements to guard against corruption Implementation of key controls and integrity measures Complete and build rules for the fight against corruption Quick - win LGSC Ministry of Local Government Local Councils CSOs Ditto Efficacy of internal anti - corruption rules developed

61. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 61 61 provided for action Undertake periodic rehabilitation of government quarters nationwide based on proper fiscal planning On - going On - going number of updated reports Number of government quarters rehabilitated National Revenue Authority 1.NRA processes are fully automated and continuously reviewed to curtail discretion, maximize revenue generation and discourage resource - diversion 1A.Customs Manual operations in border posts outside Freetown and to diversion of much needed resources 1B. Audit Assessments Manual records of Audit assessments and not records of decisions 1C. Inability to reconciler Taxpayer payments Ma nual and fragmented ICT systems and allocations of role 1A.1. Fast - track roll out of installation of ASYCUDA++ to all customs point. 1A.2 Review performance of ALIC contract with MoIT to report ; (a) fit for purpose and (b) value for money 1A.3 Review security of access to ASYCURA ++ and staff resources to ensure integrity of the system 1B . Audit of Taxpayers Use Management Information Systems (MIS) to monitor audit assessment and final collections monthly report to NRA Board &MoFED on wr ite - downs 1C. NRA develops a real time bank payment and reconciliation system to report through MIS data capture system to go to Board &MoFED. 1A.1 Install ASYCUDA at key international crossing points 1A.2 the ending of paying for poor and none deliv ered services. 1A.3 Improved security and stability of ASYCUDA++ 1B. Data capture and reporting to NRA Board and MoFED on tax write - down 1C. Daily and accurate tax reconciliation via bank Quick - win Short - term On - going 1 - 5 years Quick - win NRA Associated partners Ditto Operational automated systems for customs data Value for money on all services delivered Secured automation Regular data capture documentation Accuracy of daily reconciliations

17. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 17 17 framework and establish regulations to enable establishing of joint investigation teams and applying special investigation methods Attorney General ACC Law Reform Commission modernised legal anti - corruption framework Joint investigations teams established 9 Financial Intelligence Unit To discourage the practice of money laundering and punish those found culpable Money Laundering Control and p revent money laundering Support documentation of economy Quick - win Ministry of Finance Bank of Sierra Leone Ditto Database on the Sierra Leone economy published Participate in global coalition against money laundering Short - term Bank of Sierra Leone ACC Ditto Reports on study tours, trainings and seminars Consolidate information on National banks, registration authorities, NRA collection agencies etc. and form a centra lized database available to government ) agencies of revenue and anti corruption Quick - win Bank of Sierra Leone ACC Ditto Database on banks and other financial institutions in place Promote the notion of a Financial Inclusion Strategy Short - term FIU BSL ACC Ditto Level of cooperation to the development and operationalization of a Financial Inclusion Strategy Enforce compliance with the AML law and its accompanying regulations by engaging with Politically Exposed Persons and roll out such standards across all sectors of the economy On - going FIU/CFT BSL Transnational Organized Crime Unit (TOCU) Ditto Extent of application of AML compliance sanctions by relevant authorities Review bearer government securities (and replace with registered long - term banks and swell excess liquidity in the system and provide avenue for long - term investors etc. — enforce Short - term Bank of Sierra Leone Financial Intelligence Unit Ditto New investments developed

20. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 20 20 Communications Promote integrity and professionalism Code of ethics for journalists to be formulated and implemented with participation of all stakeholders Short - term SLAJ IMC Civil society Ditto Compliance level for o perationalized and enforced code Training of Editors and Journalist on Professional standards 1 - 5 years SLAJ IMC Ditto Number of trainings held Enhanced professional journalism Reporting lacks quality authenticity and depth Increase journalist capacity for quality reporting Training and awareness raising through seminars workshop by experts in the field of Anti - Corruption for journalist reporting on anti - corruption. Short - term 1 - 5 years ACC SLAJ IMC Ditto Percentage of t raining tool kits published and circulated Facilitate information sharing among the media network involved in anti - corruption efforts. Quick - win ACC SLAJ Ditto Quality of information shared Database of anti - corruption network No effective media accountability mechanism Weak IMC Establish media accountability mechanism Strengthen legal capacity of IMC Revise the IMC Act to include enforcement powers 1 - 5 years Ministry of Information & Communications IMC Ditto Revised IMC Act Review the Criminal libel law 1 - 5 years Attorney General Law Reform Commission Ditto Repealed criminal libel Ministry of Information and Communications To empower the independent media through arms - length support in promoting a corrupt - free governance Weak supervision on the quest for professional journalism and continuous display of Sierra Leone ’ s culture through media Source funding and continually build the capacity of the independent media Facilitate information sharing among the media network involved in anti - corruption efforts. On - going Ministry of Information ACC Ditto Quality of information shared Database of anti - corruption network

26. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 26 26 SEZ policy formulated, implemented and enforced 1 - 5 years MAFFS Ditto Number of firms selling agricultural goods with significant value - addition Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Enhanced transparency and accountability in revenue generation and enforcement of regulations Lack of transparency and accountability in the generation of fishery and marine revenue Increased number of illegal traw lers our Economic Exclusive Zone conniving with senior authorities to defraud the State Strengthen the accountability regime in fisheries and marine revenue Improved survey lance of coastal waters I ndependent audits and improved public information on revenue flows Reform laws on use of our territorial waters On - going Ministry of Fisheries Audit Service Ditto Level of compliance to accountability regulations Regulation ensures fish are landed in ports and can be subject to necessary checks and inspections. Failure to implement responsible fisheries regulations in access agreements may be an outcome of bribe payments and kickbacks. Improve on the implementation of the fishery regulations Develop a sector policy to guide the implementation of fishery regulation Quick - win On - going Ministry of Fisheries Ditto Extent of compliance with s ector policy in place Prohibiting commercial fishing boats from trans - shipping fish catches at sea Quick - win O n - going Ministry of Fisheries Ditto Number of prohibition notices, publications and level adherence Negotiation of Access Agreement should be consultative and transparent involving the support of civil society. Quick - win On - going Ministry of Fisheries Civil society Ditto Impact of transparent, effective and clear contract in place Ministry of Tourism and Culture Development of tourists and facilities Private database of all tourist facilities countrywide Quick - win Ministry of Tourism Ditto Accuracy of u pdated database of all tourist facilities

30. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 30 30 Irregular water supply for over 90% residents in Eastern Freetown and most other residents in central and Western area, without reason, unrealistic water - rates and aging pipes Regularize pipe - borne water supply to residents in the capital and provincial areas through diverse sources and gradually replace aging pipes Undertake a nation - wide needs assessment of water supply and segment by area or suburb for the capital and cluste rs for the regions Quick - win GoSL Guma SALWACO Ditto Regularity of published database of water - needs Use existing donor funds and solicit more local and external funding to gradually procure and replace damaged pipes with new ones On - going 1 - 5 years MWR Ditto Percentage of damaged and aging pipes replaced Undertake on - the - spot monitoring visits to GUMA sub - stations to prevent abuse by personnel and collusion with defaulters On - going MWR Guma SALWACO Ditto Number of published monitoring reports Fast - track the construction of mini - dams in and around the city to effectively augment other available dams 1 - 5 years MWR Guma SALWACO Ditto Increased number of completed mini dams Revise rates and institute strict penalties for illegal connectors, those and those failing to pay Short - term MWR Guma Ditto Authenticity of database of revised rates and extent of penalties applied Ministry of Lands, Country Planning and the Environment Dysfunctional and incapable of managing the most important asset belonging to the people Strengthen the Land Ministry with the requisite infrastructure for land reformation Review the land laws with a view of registering titles and the land tenure system 1 - 5 years On - going Law Reform Commission Attorney General Ditto New land law in place Officers from Ministry collaborating with Community leaders and using “ intimidation tactics ” , to sell state lands Identification and mapping of all State lands should be conducted throughout the country Undertake study of land mapping Short - term Ministry of Lands Ditto Published data on comprehensive data on state land

39. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 39 39 Centres where youths can be sustainably employed Engage donors to scale - up Sierra Leone ’ s Social Protection support and extend to more vulnerable groups like Commercial Sex Workers, “ Boat - Fish - mongers ” , “ Ghetto/Poyo - pushers & sellers ” etc. 1 - 5 years 1 - 5 years PILLAR 7 Anti - Corruption Commission Enhancing integrity, responsibility and transparency in the work of state bodies and building public confidence in state institutions Low chance of detection and prosecution Strengthen Assets declaration /disclosure mechanism Strengthen assets declaration and monitoring mechanism; into random check and monitoring Quick - win On - going ACC Ditto New framework developed and tested Enhance vigilance on needs basis Establish non - intrusive vigilance unit on need basis reporting directly to the Commissioner Short - term On - going ACC Ditto Unit Developed Discourage collusion working environment Whistle - blower recourse and physical legislation protection Short - term On - going ACC Ditto Protected whistle - blowing supported Formalise system of job rotation starting with the high risk functions Short - term ACC Ditto Formalised system in place Creating preconditions for the suppression of corruption at all levels Public tolerance and acceptance of Corruption Design mass media campaign to raise awareness, build consensus and seek to change behaviour Collaborate with media to develop articles and supplements in local languages on NACS and responsibilities of citizens; providing case study Short - term On - going ACC Ditto Sustainable working partner ship between NACS and Media established Develop a communication strategy Short - term ACC NACS Ditto Strategy in place Encourage public debates in media on issue of corruption On - going ACC NACS Ditto Number of debates held Use other culture media to transmit the message especially soap opera, theatre group. On - going ACC NACS Ditto Alternative media fully utilised Target attitudinal and Introduce ACC themes, On - going ACC Ditto Mechanism

45. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 45 45 Lack of Job security can result to politicisation and corruption Improve job security, balanced with accountability Review means by which job security could be improved, with focus on senior officials and those in vulnerable position Short - term On - going MDAs Ditto Review conducted and findings published and tested Limited meritocracy in transfers, posting and promotions Introduce and enforce codes of conduction on transfers, posting and promotions Incorporate code in HR systems Short - term On - going MDAs Ditto Codes developed and utilised Skills deficiencies in public sector esp. the missing middle Increase competencies Introduce formal training assessment techniques Short - term On - going MDAs Ditto Techniques developed and tested Embark on continuous Professional Development Programmes 1 - 5 years On - going MDAs Ditto Professional development framework developed and used Roll - out training to other MDAs 1 - 5 years PSRU HRMO PSC Ditto Training popularised Develop a succession plan 1 - 5 years On - going MDAs Ditto Succession Plan ETHICS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Weak integrity system in place Enforce strong ethical standards framework Review and improve ethics framework in all MDAs with wide participation of civil society and media Short - term On - going ACC MDAs CSOs Ditto High ethical standards established Imbibe conflict of interest rules in the codes of conduct 2014 On - going ACC MDAs Ditto Conflict of interest rules factored into codes Reinforce ethics framework on a regular basis Agree, adopt and publish MDAs integrity pacts On - going ACC MDAs Ditto Integrity pacts in place Introduce integrity and ethics as major feature in induction programme Short - term On - going ACC MDAs Ditto Integrity and ethics factored into programs Workshops and training, using case studies, role play and discussion, to regularly reinforce ethic systems Short - term On - going ACC Ditto Workshop and training programs developed and carried out

65. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 65 65 plan detailing cost and processes to facilitate complete privatization of PEs schedule Bring in the private sector and encourage them to invest Short - term NCP Ditto Number of reputable private sector investment wooed National Social Security and Insurance Trust Grievances are resolved at the local level without having to come to headquarters Lack of a defined and prompt responsive redress mechanism at the local level in villages Review the current NASSIT Grievance and Redress mechanisms Prepare a plan for the e stablish ment of grievance and redress mechanisms unit in all chiefdoms Quick - win NASSIT Ministry of Employment Ditto Relevance of plan developed Establish and constitute Chiefdom Grievance Redress Mechanisms & assign a roaming NASSIT staff to collectively address all grievances at local level Short - term NASSIT Ministry of Employment Ditto Composition mandate and applicability of Chiefdom Grievance Redress mechanisms A competent and more technical supervisory mechanism established Incompetent Board and weak supervisory responsibilities by the Ministry of Labour Strengthen the supervisory capacity of the Board and Ministry Ensure that Management engage critically with His Excellency in identifying technical experts to serve as Board members for the entity 1 - 5 years NASSIT Ministry of Employment Ditto Revised capacity of NASSIT Board Supportive supervision heightened on NASSIT operations nationwide and periodic reports produced, published and discussed On - going NASSIT Ministry of Employment Ditto Number of supportive supervision visits and reports published Transport Sector: Sierra Leone Maritime Administration (SLMA), Sierra Leone Airport Authority (SLAA), Sierra Leone Road Transport Authority (SLRTA), Sierra Leone Road Transport Corporation (SLRTC), Sierra Leone Ports Authority (SLPA) Stick adherence to sea and land transportation standards and effective enforcement of sanctions against defaulters Weak supervision and enforcement of land and sea transportation safety standards Revise sea and road safety standards and disseminate widely Publish revised safety standards in all boat jetties and vehicle parks nationwide in both English and local languages Quick - win SLMA MTA SLRTA Ditto Number of jetties and lorry parks with pu blished safety guidelines

29. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 29 29 documents, in order to eliminate opportunities for corruption PILLAR 2 Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources To make mining agreements public and available to civil society, the media and local authorities Mining contracts are usually confidential and are not open to public scrutiny Create a process on how the mining contract s can be opened to scrutiny Promote transparency initiatives, such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiativ e (EITI) should be adhered with Quick - win On - going Ministry of Mines Mining companies NMA EITI Secretariat Ditto Compliance rate on EITI and other mining transparency regulations To inspire t ransparent and open mining regulations beneficial to government and the people Corrupted regulation of the mining industry is a win - lose situation for government. Initiate uncorrupted regulation for a win - win situation for both the government and private sector Anti - corruption initiatives could also be directed towards firms focusing on voluntary initiatives and ethical codes of conduct On - going Go SL ACC NMA Mining companies Ditto Number of anti - corruption initiatives established To enhance corporate social responsibility (CSR) to align with community welfare Poor channel for CSR funds with little or nor consideration for procurement procedures Use precautionary principle to deliver CSR funding to communities Devise a standardised procedure for the delivery of CSR funding and ensure that community beneficiaries in collaboration with local authority jointly monitor all CSR projects Short - term On - going Ministry of Mines Mining c ompanies Ditto Number of mining companies with explicit CRS strategies and periodic progress reports Too many negative impact of mining operations in local communities Reduced incidence of negative mining operations Implement community development agreements to ensure communities benefit from mining operation Quick - win On - going Mining companies Ministry of Mines NMA Ditto Number of companies complying with standardised procedures for CSR delivery Facilitate the prompt payment, transparent and accountable use of surface rent by authorities of host communities On - going Mining companies Ministry of Mines NMA Ditto Percentage of companies and local authorities complying with set regulations and standards Ministry of Water Resources Supply of clean drinking water Undertake study and compile data on water sources countrywide Quick win GoSL Guma SALWACO Ditto Published database on water resources

32. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 32 32 to negotiate a fair price. support policies setting management decision making and transparency accessibility Clear, easy - to - understand, and timely information must be provided to people who can use it to hold public or private institutions accountable Quick - win MOHS Private sector CSOs Ditto Information available and accessible Develop full operational policy on transparency also requires that information be consistently provided and consistently accessible in reliable quality, standardized, comparable, and disaggregated form to address a de fi ned public purpose 1 - 5 years MOHS Ditto New policy on transparency operationalized To reduce the wide salary and emolument gap among health sector staff Very wide gap in salary and emolument structure for health service workers Enhanced and harmonised salary package guaranteed ............... . ......... . Births and Deaths To strengthen the process and mechanisms for investigating the citizenship status of all applicants Weak investigative mechanisms for applicants resulting to difficulties in identifying Sierra Leoneans from non Sierra Leoneans Build capacity to enable thorough investigation of all cases Train staff on robust verification of citizen ’ s authenticity Short - term On - going Births & Deaths Ditto Number of staff trained on improved investigation and verification techniques Modernize the registration system Out - dated Act that is dated in the 1960 ’ s and less responsive to emerging issues Manual operations seriously risks accuracy and security of applicants Review the law and modernize the registration process Engage relevant authorities to review the Births and Deaths Act and develop a National policy on Births & Deaths Registration Short - term Births & Deaths Law Officers Dept. Law Reform Commission Ditto Revised Births & Deaths Act Institute e - registration of citizens and gradually automate old registrations into an electronic database On - going Births & Deaths Ditto Automated registration system instituted Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Improving the legal and institutional framework The cost of corruption is high. Diversion of resources from Institute controls and continuous monitoring of Reduce the percentage of students per teacher by Short - term Ministry of Education Ditto Improved student - teacher ratio

31. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 31 31 Put moratorium on lease of state land and comply data base Lack of transparent process in securing a lease for State Land Open and gazette the process of securing government land Gazette the process Quick - win Ministry of Lands Ditto Gazetted transparent processes in force and level of adherence by Ministry officials To promote transparency and accountability in all oil and gas negotiations and contracts award Oil & Gas - Petroleum Resources Unit Lack of transparency on negotiation and signing of contracts Review all existing contracts and ensure benefit to the country and people 1 - 5 years On - going Ministry of Mines Oil and Gas Petroleum Unit Ditto Number of revised agreements To ensure the increase and sustainable exploitation of oil and gas Lack of a basic working knowledge of the industry and poorly coordinated processes with disproportionate expectations Strengthen the regulatory framework for compliance monitoring and enforcement and build the requisite institutional capacity Quick - win On - going Oil and Gas Petroleum Unit Ministry of Mines Environment Protection Agency Ditto Level of compliance monitoring Establish a Transformational Development Fund Short - term Oil and Gas Petroleum Unit Ministry of Mines Ditto Existence of a Transformational Development Fund PILLAR 3 Ministry of Health & Sanitation Improving the legal and institutional framework for the efficient and systematic suppression of corruption Procurement of medicines and other medical supplies is vulnerable to inef fi ciencies and corruption Distribution of drugs brought with difficulties and corruption Adherence to NPPA Act and building procurement infrastructure in the Ministry; Facilitate distribution of medical supplies by MOH and donors Train Procurement officers in these specialised procurement; enhance capacity and provide funds for efficient distribution of medical supplies Short - term On - going MOHS NPPA CSOs Ditto Rate of compliance with NPPA regulations and law Responsiven ess of trained Train procurement officers to draft proper bidding documents Short - term MOHS NPPA Ditto Trained staff and enhanced capacity Enhancing integrity, responsibility and transparency in the work of state bodies and building public confidence in state institutions NPPA procurement laws that are not speci fi cally designed to handle pharmaceuticals. Devices and tailor the NPPA Act with the Authority assistance to deal with specialise procurement Train Procurement staff on pharmaceuticals Short - term On - going MOHS NPPA Number of trained pharmaceutical procurement staff The pharmaceutical industry has inadvertently not published information on medicine prices, making it dif fi cult for purchasers Encourage the Industry to publish information on drugs medicines prices Publish information on drugs medicines procurement to ensure information for purchaser Quick - win On - going MOHS CSOs Ditto Geog raphical coverage of published information and percentage of

34. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 34 34 Agency Perennial discretional engagement with manufacturers and mining companies at the expense of applying global environmental protection standards Standardized environmental protection rules and regulations applied without recourse to discretional compromise Full implementation of all provisions of the “ Polluter - Pay Principle ” and monitor manufacturing companies ’ adherence to this, in collaboration with host communities and local councils Institute the best of practice of ensuring all mining companies as part of their agreements be required to pay an “ Environmental Bond ” that could be forfeited where there ’ s evidence of recklessness and reluctance to restore mined land Make EIA reports public and conduct radio, community and TV sensitization on the level of compliance by companies, manufacturers and actions taken against defaulters Use the Global Reporting Initiative templates on the environment to disseminate EIA reports far and wide and engage the local media On - going Short - term On - going Quick - win On - going Quick - win On - going Office of the President EPA CSOs Ditto Full compliance with the polluter - pay principle Number of manufacturing and mining companies consenting to pay environmental bonds Published EIA reports and community sensitization reports/flyers/jingles New reporting template in place and operational PILLAR 4 Minis try of Finance and Economic Development Improving the legal and institutional framework Excessive, complicated and non - transparent taxes Simplification of the tax regime, reduction of number - Tax reform and NRA institutional reform 1 - y years Ministry of Finance Ditto New test system developed and

60. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 60 60 On - going 1 - 5 years timelines Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Corporation The foreign ministry and immigrations formalize a strategic collaboration to ensure that diplomatic and service passports are promptly withdrawn from persons separated with the service and not land in the wrong hands (criminals and foreigners) Lack of strategic collaboration with Immigrations department and other relevant partners Institute sustainable mechanisms for data sharing and information exchange with immigrations department Establish a database of all persons carrying Sierra Leone diplomatic and service passports and share records with immigrations for regular update Keep track of all foreigners issued with residential permits and regularly update data while informing the re levant authorities of those in breach of Sierra Leone ’ s immigration laws Partner with Sierra Leone Airport Authority, the Military, ONS, Police and NRA to ensure that illegal immigrants are tracked upon arrival into the country from all border posts withi n Sierra Leone Quick - win On - going Quick - win On - going On - going Ministry of Foreign Affairs Immigrations Sierra Leone Police Ditto Availability of updated database Promptness in updating and sharing track - record of foreigners issued with work permits and level of enforcement against defaulters Extent of adherence to track illegal immigrants Ministry of Works, Housing and Infrastructure Develop a sustainable culture of maintenance to reduce wastages and prevent government structures and facilities decaying Improper management of Government Quarters and apparent lack of a maintenance culture for Government structures and equipment Government quarters and facilities are adequately managed and maintained through proper planning Transparent allocation of government quarters through appropriate guidelines and procedures Maintain an inventory of government quarters, occupied or empty and status Regular inspection of government facilities and updated report on status Quick - win On - going Quick - win Ministry of Works Published and strict adherence to guidelines and procedures Updated inventory shared with government and donors for immediate relevant actions Regularity of inspection visits and

14. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 14 14 • E - property state and interests – electronic database of decisions on conflict of interest and property state statements; • E - decisions – modernization of principles which are foundation of public a dministration, in o rder to fully use modern technology and therefore improve administration efficiency; • E - employment – all workplaces in all public services should be publicly a nnounced; electronic submission of documents for the nomination/selection should be available; • E - public procurements – Introducing the measures that will enable bidders to participate in public p rocurement procedures via Internet. This will guarantee equal approach for all participants in procurement procedure and also assure necessary transpar ency at the same time. • E - access to information relating to work of the courts,including releasing the court decisions on the Internet. 5 Electoral System To enhance a transparent, efficient and accountable electoral system Inefficient electoral processes due to logistical constraints during presidential, parliamentary and local council elections Strengthen the electoral system and process and make it increasingly transparent Ensure timely and adequate distribution of electoral materials to polling locations; and improve the security of ballot papers 1 - 5 years NEC Parliament Judiciary Ditto Percentage of polling locations with adequate supply of materials on a timely basis Enhanced security of all electoral ballot

15. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 15 15 papers Introduce and implement rules on campaign financing to ensure regularity and transparency 1 - 5 years NEC PPRC Political parties Ditto Transparent rules established, publicised and fully enforced Strengthen NEC ’ s mandate in the conduct of these elections Establish independent electoral fast - track court 6 Ombudsman Blatant disregard of Ombudsman correspondence by certain MDAs and local councils. S tatutory limitation of Ombudsman to refer its cases to the ACC for redress as well as personnel and capacity challenges Institutional and legal reforms to make the Ombudsman function effectively and responsibly Revise the 1997 Ombudsman Act and continue to refer corruption cases to both the ACC and the Attorney General ’ s Office Lobby the Government of Sierra Leone and donors to provide additional support for staff enhancement and specialised training in investigations and reporting Undertake focused - gro up discussions with all MDAs /local councils targeting the middle, lower and higher echelons for proper discussion of the Ombudsman ’ s role and solicit their buy - in 1 - 5 years 1 - 5 years Short - term Law Reform Commission Parliament ACC Ombudsman ’ s Office Ministry of Finance Ditto Revised Ombudsman ’ s Act 2015 Increased donor and GoSL support Increased awareness of the Ombudsman ’ s role and acceptance by MDAs /local councils 7 National Registration Secretariat To effectively decentralize the application and issuance process of national identity cards Highly centralised operations of the NRS bears a huge burden on citizens to access its services outside the capital Decentralise NRS services Develop a comprehensive and costed decentralization plan and engage the Ministry of Finance, donors for support Short - term NRS Ministry of Finance ACC/NACS Ditto Availability of decentralization plan Roll out the printing and issuance of national ID cards to all regional 1 - 5 years NRS Ditto Number of regional headquarter towns with ID cards

62. Objective System Proposed Proposed Proposed Competent Resource Benchmarks Weakness Strategy Measures Timetable Authority Implication 62 62 payments Quick - win Asset Declaration & staff lifestyle profiling monitored & evaluated externally Flamboyant lifestyles of some NRA staff unchecked by authorities thereby sending negative signals to the public Customize random verification and checks on management & staff lifestyle and assets declaration by ACC random check Undertaking random verification of management & staff assets declaration and check life styles for unexplained wealth Quick - win NRA Ditto Number of verifi cation reports and details of action taken Governance, transparency & reporting accountability adhered too The transparency of the governance structures of the NRA are not apparent issues and report are not made public or addressed between the Board and Senior management responsibilities To address governance, transparency and engagement with taxpayers, to ensure statutory reporting obligations are made on time and report outcome of action across all tax and financial reporting. The statutory provision and reports are to required standard and on time. Good governance is understood and is active part of day - to - day management process. Quick - win NRA Ditto Depth of adherence to standard statutory requirements Delegation and empowering NRA management roles The role of the CG is not effective, resulting every issue awaiting for CG to decide, disempowering the senior management team and give rise to long delays poor allocation of resources. Too much power vested in one person without utilising allocated human capital provided. To limit the role of the CG to key revenue management issues, without undertaking administration and operational issues and appoint Deputy CG to reduce the number of management and staff reporting to the CG . The Deputy CG for operational and internal financial and administration issues The reduction of delays in decision and the clarification and delegation of role for administration and internal financial matters. Quick - win NRA Ditto Simplified and fast - track decisions Register of requests to NRA for non - application of taxes or duties by MDA etc Many MDA making requests for exemptions from tax or duties without record and reasons being available for scrutiny That all requests for tax & duty exemption to be register in a NRA log and published annually with reasons for granting tax & duty exemption Publication of tax & duty exemption request, resulting in reduction in the number of unwarranted requests and public transparency of this activity of tax & duty exemption Quick - win NRA MoFED Ditto Published duty - free exemption data Security Sector Sierra Leone Police , Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces, Prisons, Office of National Security and National Fire Force To ensure o pen and transparent recruitment Recruitment of highly questionable characters into Review the recruitment policy of the entire security sector Publish names and pictures of all applicants Short - term SLP Ditto Regularity of security sector applicants ’

2. 2 2 SIERRA LEONE IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN FOR THE NATIONAL ANTI - CORRUPTION STRATEGY (2014 - 2018) TABLE OF CONTENT Page 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. .................... .............. 3 2. Core Principles of Implementation Action Plan ................................................................................. .............. 4 3. Revision of the NACS ........................................................................................ ......................................... .............. 5 4. Implementation Mechanism ...................................................................................................................... ............. 5 5. Implementation Risks .................... ............................................................................................................. ............. 6 6. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. ........................ .............. 6 7. Responsibility for the implementation of the NACs ......................................... .................................. .............. 6 7.1. Responsible Ministries, Department and Agencies under the National Integrity Systems: 7.1.1. Executive 7.1.2. Legislature 7.1.3. Judiciary 7.1.4. Public Sector 7.1.5. Electoral system 7.1.6. Ombudsman 7.1.7. National Registration Secretariat 7.1.8. Anti - Corruption Agencies 7.1.9. Financial Intelligence Unit 7.1.10. Audit Institutions 7.1.11. Political Parties 7.1.12. Media 7.1.13. Ministry of Information and Communications 7.1.14. Civil Society 7.1.15. Private Sector 7.2. Responsible Ministries, Department and Agencies under the Agenda for Prosperity 7.2.1. Promot ing Inclusive Growth 7.2.2. Ministry Of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security 7.2.3. Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources 7.2.4. Ministry of Tourism 7.2.5. Ministry of Trade & Industry 7.2.6. Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources/National Minerals Agency 7.2.7. Ministry of Water Resour ces 7.2.8. Ministry of Lands Country Planning and the Environment 7.2.9. Petroleum Resources Unit 7.2.10. Ministry of Health & Sanitation 7.2.11. Office of Births and Deaths 7.2.12. Ministry of E ducation 7.2.13. Environment Protection Agency 7.2.14. Ministry of Finance & Economic Development 7.2.15. Bank of Sierra Leone 7.2.16. Ministry of Youth 7.2.17. National Youth Commission 7.2.18. National Commission for Social Action 7.2.19. Anti - Corruption Commission 7.2.20. Public Sector Reform Unit 7.2.21. Ethics Management System 7.2.22. Audit Service Sierra Leone


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