An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

Contact us on: +23278832131 or info@anticorruption.gov.sl
Address:  Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown Sierra Leone, West Africa.



By: Hawa Deen Conteh, Public Education Officer, ACC

As part of its mandate to sensitize the public against the ills of corruption, the benefits of a corrupt free society and solicit their support in the fight against corruption, the Outreach Unit of Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) on 7th February, 2024, engaged the Bike Riders Union of Dwazark Community, to update them on the activities of the Commission and the dangers of corruption to the survival of Sierra Leone. The meeting also highlighted the significant role played by the informal sector-the Bike Riders, in the areas of revenue generation to the Consolidated Revenue Fund.

Dilating on the purpose of the meeting, Senior Communications Officer, Margaret Jones expressed delight for the engagement with bike riders. She informed them that the Commission recognizes their contribution to the transport sector and that the Public Education and External Outreach Department was rolling out its mandate to educate citizens on the dangers of corruption, the benefits of a corrupt free society and to enlist their support in the fight against the menace. She further explained that the Commission has been receiving complaints from the general public regarding corruption in the transport sector, thereby necessitating this engagement. She emphasized that this engagement with the bike riders is a frank talk as the doors of the ACC are always open to receive any suspected reports on corruption.

Giving an overview and update of the Commission’s activities, Public Education Officer, Hawa Deen Conteh explained that the ACC was established in 2000 by an Act of Parliament to investigate all instances of suspected corruption. She continued that over the years, the Act of 2000 was repealed in 2008 and later in 2019, the Act was amended. She outlined the roles and responsibilities of the various Departments in the Commission. Hawa Deen Conteh further updated her audience on various activities undertaken by the Commission cataloging the successes scored over the years. The Public Education Officer, also highlighted the Commission’s effort in recovering misappropriated public funds and spoke about recent allegations of corruption involving the Sierra Leone Roads Authority(SLRA), and the Accountant General’s Department in which Billions of (Old) Leones were recovered by the Commission. She concluded by commending the Commissioner, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. for the gains made in the fight against corruption.

ACC’s Public Education Officer, Shiaka Kamara,dilated on the importance of making reports to the Commission,  and read out the toll free lines: 077-985-985 and 077-986-986, admonishing the bike riders not to make malicious or false reports to the Commission.

Earlier, welcoming all to the meeting, the Acting Deputy Chairman, Bike Riders Union, Dwazark Community, Gabriel Crispin Williams, expressed appreciation to the team for the sensitization on issues of corruption, particularly those relating to the transport sector. Mr. Williams commended the Commissioner and staff of the Commission for their hard work and dedication to duty in ensuring that corruption is minimized in the country. He encouraged colleague bike riders to be attentive and take the message to those who are not in the meeting.

He further highlighted concerns of frequent police harassment including their daily bookings and court cases. He questioned the utilization of monies collected by the police and urged the Commission to intervene.

The meeting ended with renewed commitment from the Bike Riders Union and the ACCto continue to collaborate in the fight against corruption to ensure transparency and integrity within their operations.