An independent institution established for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment of corruption, corrupt practices and to provide for other related matters. 

Contact us on: +23278832131 or info@anticorruption.gov.sl
Address:  Integrity House, Tower Hill, Freetown Sierra Leone, West Africa.



 By: Usman Fambuleh -Intern, ACC

Corruption has long been deeply entrenched in Sierra Leone, posing a significant challenge to the country’s development, governance, and socio-economic endeavors. To effectively combat this scourge, the relevance of corruption prevention cannot be overstated. The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has played a significant role in carving corruption prevention measures in its ongoing efforts to combat this scourge.

Preventing corruption serves as a proactive approach to curbing corrupt practices. The establishment of the Commission in 2000 provided the fundamental wherewithal to deter corrupt behavior and practices. This involves implementing strict codes of conduct for public officials, enhancing transparency in Government operations, and promoting accountability at all levels. Such preventive measures foster a culture of integrity and discourage individuals from engaging in corrupt activities.

Also, corruption prevention bolsters economic growth and foreign investment. A corrupt environment is detrimental to foreign investment, as it raises the cost of doing business and erodes trust in the country’s institutions. By investing in measures to prevent corruption, Sierra Leone can attract more direct foreign capital investment, promote job creation, and foster sustainable economic development. This in turn reduces poverty and improves the quality of life for citizens.

Furthermore, corruption prevention helps build public trust in Government institutions. When citizens perceive that their government is actively taking steps to prevent corruption, they are more likely to engage in civic participation and cooperate with authorities in reporting corrupt practices. This collaboration between the Government and its citizens creates a synergy that strengthens the fight against corruption, making it harder for corrupt individuals to conduct themselves with impunity.

Furthermore, corruption prevention measures strengthen the rule of law and the promotion of social justice. In Sierra Leone, corruption often exacerbates inequality, with marginalized communities suffering the most. By implementing preventive measures, the government can ensure that resources are distributed fairly and that the legal system operates impartially. This fosters a more just and equitable society.

In addition, corruption prevention is but a multi-faceted strategy that not only deters corrupt behavior but also paves the way for economic growth, public trust, and social justice. To effectively combat corruption, Sierra Leone must continue to prioritize and invest in these preventive measures, by ensuring that they become an integral part of the nation’s governance and development agenda. Only through sustained commitment to corruption prevention can Sierra Leone hope to build a brighter, better and enabling environment that is corrupt-free for its citizens.

The ACC prioritizes corruption prevention, and an array of preventive infrastructure including the recent engagement with public institutions on the adoption of Ethics and Integrity Scorecard are all part of its efforts to tackle the menace.